Chapter 8- The moon

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Rayla POV
He kissed me..
I pulled of and looked at him.
That feeling happened again.
I brought my two fingers to my lips.
He stared at me with those eyes. It made it hard to speak and I realised what was happening.
Callum has kissed me..
Callum.. had..Kissed me...
"Why did you do that?", I managed to form in a whisper he darted his eyes on the ground and then back at me.
"I'm sorry I just got caught up in the moment."
I then realised what he meant he really did have feelings for me..
Did I have feelings to?
"I-I-I-", I said but sighed trying to figure out what to say.
"Don't love me I got it.", he interrupted me his voice so full of sadness.
He started to walk away and I didn't know what to do.
I just sat there and watched him.
Why.. Why couldn't I speak?
If that was like idk Soren I would've punched him but I didn't.
His lips where soft and he was so gentle.
No why am I thinking about him.. Like that..

I got up and walked back to my room.
All my mind could think about was his everything.. His hair his smile his emerald eyes..I don't know what to think anymore?!
Do I have feelings for Callum? No I love tiger..
I felt my head spin and I realised where I was. Outside mine  and tigers room.
Tiger was packing my bags and I couldn't help but smile.
He was waring a green top the two top buttons undone.
His trousers where blue and his grey hair was brushed and hanging over his shoulders.
"Oh hey babe.", He smiled as I sat down next to the suit case.
My smile faded at the thought of Callum's sad face why did it fade.. Why can't I stop thinking about him tomorrow's my wedding for eclipse sake!
Tiger noticed and dropped the clothes.
"What's wrong?"
I looked away.. No I couldn't tell Tiger that Callum kissed me..
I wanted to.. but I don't know why I couldn't.
I loved tiger not that cute boy..
I cursed under my breath at my self.
No.. You love tiger. I looked up at his face just to remind myself. He was smiling at me.
He cupped my face with his hand I felt suddenly uncomfortable.
"Hey..You can tell me.."
I looked up at him and I didn't know what to say.
I bit my lip and looked away from him.. No I don't love Callum.. I love tiger.. I've known tiger for years.. Were getting married!!
He smiled to me as I looked back at him. His smile would usually make me admit everything and make my stomach twist but it didn't.
His eyes darted to my lips.
He always does this before he kisses me.
Then he kissed me. And I closed my eyes embracing it.
"Hey Rayla."
I jumped of it and stared at tiger.
Why the hell did I just think of Callum?!
He was about to say something but I grabbed him and kissed him.
Get out of my head!
"Hey ray.."
"Haha your so funny."
Please stop!!
Tiger tried to pull of protesting he don't want to go any further but I pushed him on the bed.
"H-" I jumped on top of him. I don't even care if we where in a ride position I needed to prove that I don't have any feelings for Callum!
I kissed him with passion and his hands traveled to my waist. I took of and kissed his neck.
His body started heating up slightly and he let out a shaking breath.
I kissed his  lips and suddenly Callum popped into my head.
"Like That Rayla!", imagined me doing what I was doing to tiger to him.
I pulled of all I could think was Callum.
His hands where on my waist and I felt uncomfortable.
"S-sorry.", I said and got of him.
"I-it's fine..",he whispered and breathed his breath still shaky.
The clothes had gone everywhere.
I then finally realised I was nearly pulling Tigs top of.
He pulled it down and my face didn't blush as I saw his six pack.
That had never happened before..
Tiger seemed to notice how I was a bit distant because he grabbed my hand.
I took my hand away and felt tears why did Callum have to kiss me..
Why.. All I can think about I him.. Why do I want him now?!
Why!! I want my future husbands hands all over me not.. his..
My thoughts suddenly went to a place I never even thought I could think of.
Callum's hands all over me.. His kisses caressing my skin. My hands gripping on his back..
Tiger put his hand on my face and I let out a soft moan..why am I so turned on right now from just thinking about Callum and me..
He took it of much to his red face.
"Ok something is definitely wrong..", he said and my mind flooding with thoughts of me and Callum.
I love this guy infront of me!!
I tried to think of tiger like that but it just went straight back to Callum.
Tiger sighed,"I'm gonna go.."
With that he left and I didn't miss him In fact I missed someone else completely..and my brain finally realised what was going on.
Was I just turned on by Callum?
Did I just try to go all the way with tiger?
Do I love Callum?

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