Chapter 9-the aftermath

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Lujanne POV
"Callum I made break-"
I stopped,Rayla and Callum where in bed
They where snuggled.
Both holding each other.
"Lujanne what's w—",Ezran said as he then looked at Callum and Rayla.
"Oh...Ok",He then carried on mixing the pancakes.
"Whaa??",She said as she sat up.
The covers fell down and she was naked.
She pulled up the covers.
"Lu' this is not what it looks like...",she stuuttered as she was blushing her face red like a tomato.
"Rayla..",That was Callum.
"We had sex last night?",He said and then blushed at what had just come out of his mouth.
Raylas face went a new shade of red.
"I'll just tell them your still asleep."
I then walked of leaving those two alone.

Raylas POV
"Callum I lost  my virginity.", I smiled and looked at him.
He blushed.
"Did it feel good?",he asked me.
"No not at the start..In fact it hurt!"
He laughed,"It felt so amazing for me.."
I kissed him on the cheek.
"That's all for one day amigo."I then hopped of the bed and zipped up my dress.
I then noticed the knife.
Pulling my pants and bra on and brushing my hair with my fingers.
"Callum you weren't really going to where you?", I asked him he looked down.
I gave him a smile.
"It's okay I'm here for you okay?"
I walked out of the room and made my way to the outside picnic table.

Soren POV
Rayla walked through the door and sat down next to Ezran.
She smiled to Claudia and she smiled back.
Tiger looked depressed as anything.
I still wasn't ok with my sister going to stay with a elf I shook my head its her decision I guess?
"Hi.",She said I smiled to her.
"How was your night?",I asked her.
Tiger then got up and walked over to me.
"Shut the fuck up now Soren?!", He snapped and I growled.
"You threatening me you elf?!",I snapped at him he pushed me back I got up and pushed him.
He then grabbed my shirt collar and smacked me against a tree.
"Is that enough you human scum?!"
Rayla then pulled him of me.
"Soren! Tiger! Stop fighting?!", She snapped at both of us and a smile surfaced my face.
"How was it then?", I smiled and Rayla growled under her breath at me.
"Can we talk?", she said to tiger grabbing this shoulder and pulling him even more away from me.
Tiger nodded.
I watched as they walked away that elf threatening me.. I growled at him.
Claudia have me an annoyed look though.
Callum emerged and then sat down next to Claudia.
His hair was ruffled and his top was inside out.
"Clauds um can we talk to?"

Tiger POV
The night before..

I walked over to the view of the lake.
Claudia was there sobbing.
"Hey..What's wrong?", I asked and she hugged me I felt my face blush.
"Callum dumped me.."
I sighed.
"The weddings of.",I said and Claudia looked up at me.
I'd never noticed how much Beauty someone could have but how she looked was magical.
Those green eyes her black glossy hair.
She smiled at me and I smiled to my face turning rosy red.
I really wanted to kiss her.
"Hey tiger how about I stay with you?",She asked me and I was suddenly lost for words.
"Um sure..I mean I'm supposed to be moving in with-"
She put her fingers on my lips.
"Shh I need to get away from Callum and all this so can you not mention her either."
What did she mean?
She scoffed.
"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet.", she said and I was still confused.
"Callum loves Rayla.. And by your reaction she called of the wedding probably because she's in love with Callum."
It had been so obvious.. I felt pain in my heart.
"Hey.. Stay with me tonight?"
My face went a little bit red.
She laughed.
"Don't worry it'll just be a friend thing ok?"
I wasn't worried I was completely nervous.
I followed her to her room and we both sat on the bed we then talked for hours about each other's ex's and I realised just how much we had in common.

Back to the present-

"Look tiger I want you to know I just didn't call of the wedding to be with Callum.. I know your feelings for Claudia.. I know you love me.. There will always be a special place for you in my heart but it won't be for romantic love.. I love you but like a brother?.. You understand me right.", Rayla said as she looked at me in the eyes I smiled in response.
"Ofcourse I know.. I'll always love you like that to."
I hugged her and I smiled.
"You love Claudia right?"
I nodded.
Rayla laughed and I frowned.

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