Chapter 10- the past

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A/N Tiger kinda looks like runaan but he has hair like Rayla and blue marks like Rayla coming down from his dark blue eyes.

Tiger POV
I then started making the fire.
Ezran helped Ofcourse and I started to wonder where the hell ray and Callum where.
I sighed and snapped at branch in half.
You should worry about her she's not yours anymore Tiger.
The wood went deeper into my hand and I sighed dropped it on the fire.
I could see the worry in the young kings eyes but I glanced away..
Sure I love Claudia but will Callum be able to protect her?
I shook my head slightly.
You shouldn't care about her she's not your girlfriend anymore.
I kicked a a small rock and sat down against a tree.
I heard giggling and turned around to the other side of the tree to find Callum and Rayla.. Kissing..
The sight made me.. I don know.. it was like on one hand I was ok with it but ok the other just the sight made me want to shout and grab him and punch him.
I clenched my first and turned around.
Your not helping tiger..
I told my self as the bark began to dig into my back scars.
It hurt but I didn't mind it.
It reminded me of.. Who I am.. what I was..
Who he was..
Claudia walked over and held her hand out.
I took it a smile plastered on my face.
"You ok?", She asked and I nodded she looked behind the tree aswell a small crack in her mask.
"Hey.. Lets go over here I'm sure me and Ezran can teach you how to cook without dark magic.", I chuckled she let go of my hand.
"I'm giving it up remember?", the words left much to a another crack.
"Yes babe I know..", I smiled but she just looked down away from me..
I could see she was hurting..
Even though we where together I knew she still had some feelings for Callum left and if anyone could understand how she was feeling it would be me..
"C-Clauds?", I managed to say before she pushed me away.
"I-I I'm gonna go for a walk.", even with the act on her voice was shaky she always seemed to push me away when she was upset.
She walked away and I stood watching her my sudden happiness turned to anger..
It was all that Callum's fault sure he was a good guy but he played Claudia?!
He just steps in and ruined everything..
My fists where clenched and I unclenches then.
"Deep breaths..", I sighed and tried to breath slowly calming my anger down.
Even though Rayla wasn't here I could still do that..
My mind went to Claudia and I wanted to follow her but Soren much to my anger put his arm out.
"Oh no elfy.. She's my sister she's upset and I'm going to check on her.", He snapped and I really wanted to him to get out my way.
Me and Soren had never really knew each other.
Sure at the bachelor party we talked but I don't really like him.. Maybe it was the way he boasted all the time.. Or his annoying hair cut.
He just could get under my skin.
Even when he calls me elfy it makes me want to smack him into a wall.
To my surprise he is a good fighter.. I found that out around 10 months back when we had a fight.
A small smile made its way across my lips at the memories but I snapped it of.
"Don't call me elfy you human.", I snapped sure the stereo type was that humans and elf's hates each other it wasn't true in my case with Claudia but man I hated Soren!
He looked down at me which made me pissed of.
He noticed it was a full moon and decided not to provoke me.
"Ugh.. Tigarius.. I'm going to check on my sister.", h snapped and then I grabbed him and pushed him over.
"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE CALL ME TIGARIUS!", I shouted and Ezran looked at me with those guilty sad eyes.. I pushed his look away and grabbed Soren by the collar.
"NOONE CALLS ME BY MY REAL NAME!", I snapped and he nodded.
"Jesus ok..", he sighed and I let go of him.
He walks of looking for my girlfriend.
I cursed under my breath and felt my fists clenched.
Why did I get so angry? I let other people call me that all the time.. well not all the time everyone usually calls me tiger.
"Ya Tigs even I was a little bit scared..", Ezran mumbled and I remembered he was there he mad me jump a little when he started speaking.
"I'm sorry Ez..Just it's..", I trailed of the only person who knew of my past was Rayla.. No one else knew of the mistakes I had made.
Or the darkness they brand with them.
"It's.. Soren gets under my skin ya know?", I said the king he shook his head.
"No no really..", he chuckled and he looked down at his feet.

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