Chapter 17- Dragons and elfs

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Iris PoV
Around three months had passed..
And no wars between my dad and Ezran and started.
But I hadn't told Finley that I'm never seeing dad again and that he won't ever se him again, he's going to die. And I feel so terrible.
Me and Lucy and Finley has been staying at this castle and we where all starting to get used to living here.
Finley and Luna where impossible to break apart.
Always at breakfast,lunch,dinner and just one exception even slept together.
It was so cute Luna came in and snuggled with him.
"I don't like thunder.",I heard her squeal this made Fin laugh.
"And yet you've got sky magic?",He chuckled,Luna nodded.
"Can I stay with you?",She asked Finley probably was blushing.
They both slept like logs that night.
I woke up early to find that Finley was hugging her in his sleep..

"You are all welcome to the wedding of Tiger and Claudia.",Callum read aloud grinning.
Rayla squealed.
"I didn't think it would be this early?!",Ezran gasped reading the letter through three or four times.
I didn't know what to think..
Who where these people?
What relationship did they have with these poeple?
My only guess is that Tiger is Raylas brother and Claudia is Callum's sister?
I Atleast know why Callum's here..Him and Ez are half brothers!
"Who are these people?",Lucy asked snatching the letter and reading it.
"Hey?!",Ezran snapped snatching the letter back.
"I still have to read it another twenty times!"

Claudias PoV
Everything needed to be perfect.
And yes..I'm not getting married in a church!
It's a free country so no!
I think I wanna get married in an exotic part of Xadia..
Zym could be our priest..
And Ash could be the ring boy..Actually not a very good idea.
Maybe Manny could I'll have to ask Rayla.
Luna is going to be a maid and so is Tigers older sisters girl.
I still knew nothing about his family maybe now it's time to meet them.
"Are you nuts?!",He snapped at me.
"No I just wanna meet your family!",I snapped back.
He sighed suddenly trying not to relive his memories.
"My family will take one look at you and criticise me for marrying a human..That and I don't wanna see my dad. It's only him and my sister that are family and I d-don't wanna see him..",He explained.
I was about to say something but no words came out.
"My sister is the only one who sees light in this..So she's the only elf your meeting.",He sighed and pulled me in for a hug.
"You know who is gonna be there?",He smiled.
I shook my head.
"Soren."I pushed him of.
"Not now..",I told myself trying not to cry.
"Hey I didn't think you'd get that emotional.",Tiger questioned hugging me.
"His presence is here..Claudia.".,He shushed I cried.
"He will always be with us."

Ezrans Pov
"There my friends.",I answered Lucy she sighed,"ok.".
Iris nodded to this,"Oh I thought Claudia was Callum's sister and Tiger Raylas brother!"
Rayla nearly chocked on her sanity.
Callum started laughing.
"Claudias my ex and a very good friend of ours and Tigers Raylas Ex fiancé and now there good friends.",He chuckled patting Rayla on the back.
"Cool.",Iris smiled.
I sighed and read the letter again.
"God these girls.",I thought smiling at that thought these girls where really something.

Rayla PoV
After regaining my breath I went to go find Luna.
She's probably fighting Fin.
Fin really had won her heart..
I smiled to myself.
These two where made for each other.
"Momma!",Luna giggled running at me and trying to tackle me down still she was not strong enough.
I grabbed her and gave her a hug.
"Guess what?!",I asked her she smiled.
"Auntie Claudia is having a wedding!",Luna gasped at the news.
"Cool.",She smiled then grabbing Fin and bringing him close to her.
"Wedding!",She smiled Finley blushed.
"Cool.",He smiled back,"You know what that means!!"
I braced myself.
"CAKE!!",They both screamed before Luna starting running around chasing Finley.
"If I catch you I get a bigger slice!"
I sighed.
Maybe there just little kids.
Love was not on there mind right now.

One week and one day later..

Three days away is the wedding!
I was so excited.
"He looks so cute!",Iris gushed holding little Manolos hand.
"I know I got him and ash matching suits!",Tiger gushed holding his baby ash.
"Ash looks like he's grown!",Callum smiled.
I nodded agreeing with him.

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