Chapter 13- The party

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Tiger POV
I woke up to see Claudia gone.
I sighed she was a morning person.
I stretched and walked to the kitchen.
I was the only one there.
Infact it felt a little empty..
I sat down and put my hands together and twiddles my thumbs.
I was trying to be a dad now..
What if the queen could come back?!
I pushed that thought away and tried to think.
What would we even call our non born child?!
I had suggested so many names but Clauds just wouldn't agree.
What about Soren?
If it's a girl we could call it Astrid or something?!
I exhaled and Claudia walked in she seems to be wondering things as well.
"Hey.", she smiled and sat down next to me.
I smiled to her and moved my eyes over to the little Luna who was sat next to Claudia.
"Hey uncle Tiger.", she smiled her voice extremely cute.
I wonder if Luna could help is out with a name?
"Hey Luna?", I started she looked at me her elf ears twitched.
"Do you think you could help us out with names?", I said and she nodded and looked at Claudia smiling.
"Sure anything for Auntie.", She chuckled and started playing around with a fork.
Her attention span..
"So honey.", Claudia said and Luna looked up to her.
"Do you think Ash or Ashley's a good names?", She asked and Luna thought for a moment before nodding.
"Although mummy says that I used to have another uncle.", she said to herself but we both heard it.
"Those where names he'd would've called his kids.", she said and we both looked at each other then her.
"I..I never knew him.. I know he was a good boy.. Um.. What was he like?", She asked and Claudia was holding back tears.
I smiled and patted my thigh.
She jumped up and sat on it.
"Soren was.. a good man.. Your auntie loved him.. he was her brother.. She.. she gets upset when someone mentions him though.", I told Luna she put her small hand on Claudias and smiled.
Claudia smiled tears falling.
"He would've loved to have met you ya know.", I said and her violet and green eyes lit up.
"Really..", She asked I nodded.
Her eyes then traveled to my neck.
"Where'd you get those?"
I froze my thoughts travelling back..
"W-What?", I asked she pointed this time.
"Those scars? Ooh did you fight someone?", She asked and I looked away.
I decided to lie. She was only five anyway.
"Yep. It was a mean guy.. Twice my size.", I started talking she listened her eyes had stars in them.
Claudia chuckled and watched me I looked into her eyes she was smiling.
She mouthed the words," Thank you"
I nodded and Carried on the story about me beating up some imaginary dude.
Minus the blood and gore though.

Luna then walked out of the kitchen and was after her parents.
My eyes travelled to my girlfriends eyes.
"Hey..You'd be a good dad ya know.", She said and smiled to herself.
"I-I do want a baby Tigs.", She said and glanced away.
I put my hand on her face.
"I know.", I smiled and kissed her.
3 days time-
Callum POV
I woke up early and jumped out of bed.
"Rayla it's her birthday!",I shouted she snapped up.
"Oh my gosh we.."
I then got a top on and managed to get some trousers on.
Rayla put on one of my T-shirts and some leggings.
"It's to big.",I said at her trying not to smirk.
"I know.",she rolled her eyes.

I knocked on Claudia and Tigers room door.
"It's Luna birthday!",I shouted.
Tiger growled.
"You guys up early?",Claudia giggled I sighed.
"Just get ready and try not to wake Luna!",Rayla snapped as she smiled at me it quickly disappeared.
We ran down the corridor.
"She wanted to go to Xadia!",I snapped as we slammed open our door.
"Moon nexus sound better?",Rayla snapped I nodded.
We then packed our bags and told a servant to get our horses ready.
It took most of the day but we finally got there.
Luna was asleep.
"It's fine it's only five I'll wake her up later,",Rayla smiled at me I sighed finally here.
"Ok..Got her a present didn't you guys?",I asked all of the gang,(Ezran,Tigs,Claudia,Lujanne),They all nodded.
"I'll teach her some moon magic.",Lujanne smiled,I nodded softly,"I got her a bow,"Tiger smiled taking a bow from his horse pack.
It was tiny and it had Luna grafted into it the handle was leather.
Nice leather,maybe Xadian.
"He made it himself.",Claudia smiled.
"She helped.",He smiled back at her she stared at him her eyes sparkling.
I rolled my eyes.
"I got her this.",I then pulled a note book and pencil from my bag.
The note book had a leather cover and gems on.
The pencil an ordinary pencil.
"That's alright..",Claudia smiled I knew she wasn't impressed.
"She likes drawing!",I snapped feeling a bit hurt they hadn't figured it out.
"Yes just like her father.",Lujanne added her vioce calm full of wisdom.
"Rayla?",She asked her.
Rayla smiled.
She then rummaged around through her bag.
"I got her..",she mummbled still looking through the bag,"A.."
It was tense what was it?!
"An assassin sword."
She held a little sword it was dark blue and had purple on the blade was wood.
"It's a wooden one good for training."
She then stared at everyone.
"what did you think I would give her a blade?",Everyone looked at one another,"you guys are laughable!",She then chulckled and moved her head softly.
"Lujanne can you illusion a few things?",I asked.
Lujanne nodded.
"The least I can do."

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