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I don't know why im telling you guys this but I just feel like I can connect with my readers. But anyway, I just found out that I have social anxiety. Again I don't know if any of my readers care but yeah. I had an anxiety attack a couple days ago and I never knew it could be so bad. I haven't updated for two reasons, one:I kinda ran out of ideas, two:I was at the hospital. I really like telling you guys this because I feel like I have readers that also have anxiety and it just makes me feel that were doing this together.

I'd like to make a shout out to my best friend cinimini02 which doesn't really make a difference considering she's in the dang book! Anyway, she's been helping me a lot so I just wanted to thank her and cynny if your reading, I love you Tess you da best. She is also writing a book called I Changed One Directions Life. All imma say is it has vampires. Done. Which brings me to my next topic.

How come I come across this really good fanfic and it has nothing to do with vampires, or demons, or wearwoflves (not sure I spelt that right but let's pretend I did) and it has a decent amount of reads, but then I come across one that's got all the stuff i listed and its got like, a billon reads like, srsly right now, like, DA FUCQ, I don't get it but its what ever. Alright that's enough ranting.



Love ya~


Kirsten ~

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