Chapter 3

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"My little Vivian, one day you will be queen and rule. I know deep in my heart you will be the best queen ever" Her mother said and hugged Vivian tightly "No matter what, I will always be with you, okay?" She said sweetly, Vivian nods and smiles. "Okay"

Vanessa POV

I fluttered open my eyes and saw I was locked up in a jail cell. What the hell is this?! I'm asleep please tell me this a nightmare. At that very moment Mundus walked toward the jail cell with a dark smile on his face. His grabbed the bar of the jail cell "Your highness how wonderful to finally see you after 7 yrs." He said, that ugly cruel face made me wanna kill him. I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him against the bars "What do you really want?" I asked in my scariest demon voice. "Dante and Nero killed my unborn child and Trish killed my b*tch. What I want is for you to carry my child and to make me king by you marrying me" I laughed in his face "Over my dead body" I said and let go of the collar of his shirt. Mundus backed away from the cell and looked at me with those eyes full of cruelty "I know they are coming to find you, I'll be ready to kill them" He said and keft me, I slid my back against the wall and sat on the floor. "I hope they don't find me then" I said afraid that they would die because I refused Mundus deal.

Dante swung his sword into the demons heart and pulled it out. Nero cleaned his sword while Trish was in front of him shooting at the demons. Dante cleaned the demon blood if Rebellion and looked at Trish who reloaded her gun "I can't believe Lady gave Vanessa to Mundus" She said and started shooting again, Nero sighed "I didn't think this would happen. And its my day off with Kyrie " He said and shook his head, Dante looked at him "Well kid welcome to life" He said and chuckled, Trish pointed her gunband Dante "Stop joking around, lets go visit Mundus" She said and walked, Nero whistled and walked also. Dante sighed and decided to follow also.

Vanessa's POV

I'm starving, wait I have swords. My other sword Mors. My death sword, I barely use it but I need it now. I swung the sword and broke the jail cell bars. A smile spreaded to my face as I walked out if there sneaking my way until I heard a voice call out to me. "Vivian!" The voice called, I turned slowly and saw my mother. Looks around making sure no one was there watching out, I walked over to my mothers cell. She grabbed my hand and gave me something. She closed my hand and looked at me "This is the key to the crown box, its hidden in the human world find it. It will he easy for you. Remember me and yiur father will always love you" If was the last thing my mother said before she committed suicide. I knee the reason why she did it so Mundus wouldn't torture her to tell him where the crown was. I ran away holding my tears back. Out of demon realm back in the human world, I bumped into Dante and saw him. That was my breaking point, I finally cried after everything that's happened I was crying. Dante at first didn't know what to do but then he hugged me and called over the rest of them. Trish and Nero ran over to us and sighed of relief. "What happened?" Dante asked in a whisper, "She's dead" Was all I could manage to say.

Back at Devil May Cry once again, I sat on the couch staying calm. Nero brought

me a blanket. My whole body was shaking after everything I saw, Dant and Trish sat next to me, I was in the middle of both. Dante rubbed my back softly, I felt Trish watching him carefully. Lady walked inside Devil May Cry, I quickly grabbed Ivory from Dante's gun holders and aimed it at Lady.Dante and Trish stood up quickly, looking confused. "You b*tch! You brought me there, if I was never there my mother wouldn't have taken her life!" I yelled at her, I was hurt broken, knowing that the person I loved left me alone unprotected from cruel things. I thought losing my father was tough on me but losing both is the worse feeling in the world. Dante looked at Lady "You better explain" He said in a dead serious tone. "I told you I did what my client wanted. Vanessa and that was what I gave him.Apparently the drug wore off too soon" I tightened my grip on the gun and fought my tears back as hard as I could. Lady put her hands up surrendering "I'm sorry, I didn't know that he wanted to hurt you" She said apologizing, I faked a smile and then pulled the trigger, the bullet shot into her left arm, she screamed and her eyes began to fill in with fear. Dante took away his gun from my hands, Nero ran to Lady and helped her up. I left Devil May Cry as soon as Nero started to help Lady's injury.

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