Chapter 4

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Dante was tied to a wooden pole, with fire surrounded him. Mundus sat on his thrown with a dark smile on his face. Vanessa was being held back by a demon. The fire started to burn Dante, Vanessa started to scream until her chest started to tighten. Trish and Nero were both knocked out, also tied up to poles separated from each other. Mundus looked at Vanessa "Finish her also" He told the demons, one of the demons got Rebellion and placed in on her neck softly. "I'm immortal" Vanessa said, Mundus pulled her hair back "If I kill you with Rebellion you die." He said and turned his direction to Dante wincing and in pain as the fire continued to burn him. Vanessa looked down  "Devil Trigger" She said and her hair turned red and her power increased incredibly fast. The demon dropped Rebellion, Vanessa laughed and looked at Mundus "You played with the wrong b*tch here" She said and picked up Rebellion from the ground, Nero was been conscious and got out of the rope. Vanessa tossed him Rebellion and Nero threw Rebellion behind the wooden pole where Dante was. He used Rebillion's sharp edges and cut himself free.

Vanessa POV

I took out Vita and Mors, never took them out at the same time before. Both of there power running threw my veins. End him he's the reason why your mother my wife is dead I heard my fathers voice Safe my son, kill the man who ripped my heart out in front of my son and scared him for life. Eva's voice echo in my head, Put the swords to together you'll create something strong and beautiful, then mix it in with Rebellion. My mother and Sparda said in my head explaining what to do, it felt as Trish read my mind and pulled Rebellion out of the wooden pole and threw at my direction. Throwing my two swords into the air so they would clash with Rebellion in air, it began to glow when all three touched. A sword slowly fell in my hands, a mix off all of what the three swords were, it was strong power felt by just holding it for a while. I smiled as Trish and Nero tied Mundus too the pole where Dante was. Lady helped Dante and put him down on the ground. I walked over to Mundus "Any last words?" I asked, he shot me a glare and ignored my question. "This is going to hurt." I said and stabbed the powerful sword into his heart. "A heart for a heart" I said, it was too late to notice he had his hand over my heart digging his nails into my skin, I screamed. He continued to deepen his nails closer and closer to my heart, so much pain I wasn't able to react. "Get your filthy hands off of her!" Dante said forcing himself to stand up, "I agree with Dante don't touch her" A familiar voice said as I turned, I saw my parents and

Eva and Sparda...

Dmc, Devil May  Cry (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now