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A new life. I'm getting away from my past. I really need a fresh start. My dream has always been to travel the world. And I wanted to spend some time in South Korea first. I must've looked pretty lost,for a Korean guy came up to me.

"Hey, do you need directions to some place?" A voice asked in me in broken English from behind me. I turned around and was met with eyes. Just eyes.

"Yeah actually." I pulled out my phone and showed him the directions. "This is my apartment but I can't figure out which train I should take." The guy laughed and held out his hand.

"I carry one of your bags, for you." His eyes crinkled at the corners and I wish I could see his smile. I bet it was beautiful. "Train, far away." I smiled too and handed him my back pack, and he showed no shame while he pulled the purple backpack onto his shoulders.

"I speak Korean." I walked beside him, surprising him with my fluency. He stopped walking actually and pulled down his face mask, revealing parted lips and a beautiful face. That's the most handsomest face I've ever seen.

"Woah." His surprised face turned into a shy smile. "Jeon Jeongguk or Jungkook." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"My name is Annika."

"Ohhhh." Jungkook began to walk again and I followed, pulling my suitcase along. "You're not American, I can tell by your accent." Jungkook frowned and nibbled on his lip. "England?"

"Switzerland." I corrected, shifting closer to Jungkook as the crowd became tighter, a train just letting off it's passengers. "By the UK." Jungkook pulled his mask up again and flipped his hood over his head, keeping his head low. My attention was on the girls who were staring at me.

"Geez look at her." They spoke in Korean, probably thinking I couldn't understand them.

"I would kill myself if I had her body." I could practically feel their eyes looking me up and down, finding all of my flaws.

"God does she know what a gym is?"

Before I could respond, Jungkook had grabbed my hand and sped up his walk, darting in and out of the crowd, maneuvering like he's down this hundreds of times before.

I'm 5'7" (170.18 cm) (1.7 meters) and weigh 187 pouds (84.82 kg). Yes I'm aware I'm overweight. I have huge thighs and a tummy. You could say my breasts are pretty big too. I used to play volleyball, that's why my thighs are so huge. But, things kind of fell apart and I stopped. I got my tummy and stretch marks which I completely despise. I'm shaped like a hourglass and I wish I wasn't. I just want to be slim.

"Annika." Jungkook waved his hand in front of my eyes, his big doe eyes staring into my green ones, our hands no longer connected.. "Are you okay?"

Thank the Lord he didn't hear what they said.

I nodded and forced a smile, pulling my sleeves over my hands. "Yeah, I'm fine!" His eyes crinkled again and I wanted to pull his mask down so I could see his cute bunny smile. God he's a fine man.

"Wanna stop for some coffee?" He pointed to a StarBucks, hope in his eyes. I can't believe he was so willing to help me, and carry a purple backpack. That shows his personality. I feel like he would be the type of guy to get his girlfriend pads and tampons with no shame.

"I live off of coffee." I cracked a real smile and led the way. "What do you usually get?"

"A fruity drink." Jungkook pulled out his wallet as we got in line, no shame in his voice. I smiled softly and look down. "You?"

"I love their iced coffee." I responded before turning to the cashier and gave her my order.

"Are you two together or...?" She smiled after typing in my order.

"Sep-" I began but Jungkook spoke up, his wallet in his hand.

"Together, please Miss." Jungkook shifted through his wallet for the correct amount of cash as I awkwardly stood off to the side, guilt coursing through me.

"Jungkook I could've paid." I spoke quietly as we continued our walk through the train area (idk). "I have Korean money."

"I know." He smiled emily and started to walk backwards, facing me. "But I gotta be a gentleman, right?" I laughed just before a man ran into Jungkook. "Oh sorry sorry." He was about to bow in apology, but the man shoved Jungkook quite roughly. "Hey man, I was just trying to talk with my friend and I didn't see-" The man turned his eyes on me and swung at me. I barely saw the glint of something sharp before closing my eyes, my teeth clenched. When I opened them, the man was running away and Jungkook was hissing in pain.


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