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"I don't want to die! Please! Just let me go!" I begged, on my knees in front of the hooded men, all stalking around me, guns, so many different types in their hands. My eyes landed on my principal, shot dead, blood everywhere. If police didn't come soon, I would be too.

That's when they cut my throat.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, my hand unwillingly touching the scar on my neck, the memories still painful.

10:23 am

My hairbrush was still on the dresser from last night, my towel beside it. Jungkook had been kind enough to allow me to use his shower, and ran out to get me shampoo as well. He's too sweet. But at least I know he's a good guy. I brushed my hair with my fingers out before opening the door to my room, my Apple Watch still in my hand, my phone in the other, a yawn escaping my mouth as my fuzzy socks didn't make a sound as I walked. Fluffing my hair, I said a good morning to the figure on the couch who I assumed was Jungkook as I paused to stretch.

"Uhm, hi? Have we met before?"

That was not Jungkook's voice. I froze and opened my eyes to see a different man sitting on the couch, a nervous smile on his face. And the worse part? He was shirtless.

"I-I." I dropped my arms, my face burning red, not knowing what to do. "I'm Annika?" Do I say that? Is this the right moment to introduce myself to this hot man-

"Oh good morning Anni!" Jungkook walked into the living room, holding a bowl of some kind of batter, a whisk in the other. "I'm making pancakes-what the hell are you doing here?" Jungkook's face dropped once he made eye-contact with the man on the couch.

"Well you see." The shirtless man chuckled, crouching on his feet, still on the couch, a pillow falling to the ground.

"Pick it up." Jungkook pointed to the pillow before allowing the man to continue. With an eye roll, the pillow was put back in place. Then a toilet flushed from behind me and I turned just in time to see another man emerge from the toilet, ruffling his hair. We made eye contact and he stopped walking, flashing me a million dollar smile.

"Oh hey."

"I....what?" I turned to Jungkook, finally making the decision to stand beside him, away from the two, weirdly attractive men.

"Why the hell are you here too?" Jungkook sighed, a slight glare at the bathroom boy and the shirtless wonder.

"We wanted breakfast." Bathroom smiled, his whole face changing from intimidating to child-like.

"You have Jin."

"He went out with Yoongi to breakfast." Shirtless explained, switching channels on the TV, ignoring Jungkook.

"And you always have your shit together." Bathroom looked back to us, his attention being grabbed by an anime show. "Mostly." Jungkook sighed and gave me a look, an annoyed younger brother look.

"You know them?" I followed him back to the kitchen, sitting at one of the bar stools. Jungkook smiled slightly and began to pour out the batter.

"Unfortunately." Jungkook glanced up at me before making a smiley face with chocolate chips on the batter. "Those are the unwanted guests I talked about yesterday." Very briefly, you mean.

"How did they get in?"

"Well, the guy who came from the bathroom, Taehyung, he stole my apartment key and made copies of it for the rest of my friends." Jungkook chuckled and shook his head as he flipped the pancakes, his long hair covering his eyes. "Don't be too surprised if two other guys let themselves in later." I smiled and propped my chin up with my hand, my elbows on the counter top.

"Who's the girl?" The shirtless one called back, wrapping himself with a blanket.

"My wife!" Jungkook flipped the pancakes onto the plate, no hesitation in his answer. He winked at me as I smiled, shaking my head at him.

"Oh that's cool." Taehyung mumbled, his attention on the show, not the conversation.

"They're dumb." He slid me the plate of two pancakes, a bottle of syrup soon following. "Jimin and Taehyung, if I didn't say before." I nodded and took a bite of the pancakes, immediately freezing, the taste killing all of my taste buds. I tried to play it off but-

"What?" Jungkook looked at the pancakes then at me. "Do they taste bad?" I shook my head, blinking quickly.

"No no, they're-" Jungkook took the fork from my hand and stole a piece. Immediately, his cheeks puffed out and he covered his mouth before swallowing.

"Oh God." He choked out, coughing. "Those are horrible." The pancakes all went to the trashcan, no second thoughts. "I'm so sorry you had to taste that." I giggled and waved my hand, dismissing his apology.

"It's alright, don't worry."

"Nice face Jeon." A voice spoke from behind me and another man sat beside me, a smile on his face.

"Hello! I'm Hoseok!"

Then another man sat beside me, causing me to turn towards him. "I'm Namjoon." He shook my head and I couldn't help but look over at Jungkook.

"Oh yeah." Jungkook saw my face and jumped into an explanation. "Those are the other two who I said might come over."

"Soooo." Hoseok spun me towards him, a smile never leaving his face. "How did you meet Jungkook? Tinder? Snapchat?"

"Uhm, the subway actually." I smiled nervously, glancing over at Jungkook as he threw the dishes in the dishwasher, not caring to rinse them off before hand.

"Ooooo." Hoseok clapped his hands together.

"Oh great Hobi Hyung is here." Taehyung grumbled from the couch, barely audible over their anime show.

"In real life? That's new!" Hoseok smiled over at Namjoon who was listening from behind me.

"We aren't dating Hyung." Jungkook spoke as he started the dishwasher. "She's staying at my place because her apartment cancelled on her."

"Ohhhh." Hoseok nodded slowly, a smile still on his face. "But you're still a friend." He patted my hand and I didn't know what to do other than smile.

"So Annika." Jungkook slid across the counter top, our noses almost touching. "What do you wanna do today?"

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