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"Hey, uhm, Jungkook?" I looked over at him while he happily looked out the window, a soft smile on his face. "I never got the chance to say thank you, for intercepting that knife from me." He looked at me and showed off his teeth, his hand coming up to scratch his head. "Well, thank you."

"Of course!" Jungkook shrugged his shoulder cutely. "Couldn't let my confused Swiss get harmed now could I?" I pushed him lightly, us both laughing at his nickname. "Hyung." Jungkook leaned forward, peaking his head over the driver's shoulder. "You passed my place." My heartbeat immediately quickened, fearing the worse.

"I know." The driver chuckled. "I wanted to hear you two flirt some more. It's cute." My heartbeat slowed down and I blushed, Jungkook smacking the driver and complaining with a hint of a whine to his voice.

"Well, bring me home Yoongi Hyung!" Jungkook pointed to the turn-around area. "It's dark already!" I chuckled softly and Jungkook turned around to grin before facing forward.

"I know what I'm doing child." The driver, Yoongi, pushed Jungkook backwards. Jungkook sat back in his seat, his nose scrunched up as he smiled, his front two teeth looking really familiar.

"You really remind me of a bunny."

Yoongi immediately burst out laughing, Jungkook's mouth opening wide, Yoongi slapping his hand against the wheel in joy."Oh that's awesome!"

"Can a bunny do this?" Jungkook quickly started flexing his muscles, said muscles streching against his already tight shirt, his jacket laid behind him. Jungkook made some weird faces as he flexed but DAMN that's hot. I bit my lip and looked him up and down once his eyes weren't locked on mine. I could study him all day.

"Alright get out." Yoongi put the car in park, turning to look back at us. He pointed at Jungkook. "You treat her well." Then he looked over at me. "If he's a fuckboy, call me." Yoongi handed me a card with his number on it and I received it while trying to cover up my laugh with a cough.

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined and hit Yoongi's shoulder, opening up his door. "You're such a liar!" Jungkook got out of the car while I unbuckled, Yoongi smiling back at me, a gummy-like smile.

"You won't need to worry, he's a good kid." I nodded and looked up at Jungkook with a smile as he opened up my car door. I accepted his hand he held out for me and we were both out of the car. Before slamming the door shut, Jungkook flipped off Yoongi. I walked to the trunk of the car with Jungkook, him opening the door, and I incharge of taking out my suitcase and backpack.

"Hey I would totally be carrying these in for you but a knife, you know." Jungkook pulled at his ears and looked at me with an apologetic face. "Dumb hand is injured." We began to walk to his house, but Yoongi's voice stopped us.

"Jeon!" We turned back to see Yoongi's head poked out of the window. "Carry her stuff dipshit!"

"I can't smartass!" Jungkook held up his wrapped hand, making a dumb face that caused me to smile. Yoongi rolled his eyes and flipped him off, backing up quiet quickly and driving away in the dark streets. I turned back to the apartment and quickly found out that Jungkook has quiet a lot of money. "Welcome to the place I try my best to clean but I promise it's average." Jungkook spoke quickly, tossing his keys onto the side table that sat below a mirror like it was an every day ritual.

"This is really nice." I looked around, my backpack only hanging on one shoulder. Then I noticed Jungkook awkwardly standing in front of the piano, one hand on his hip as he desperately tried to cover the whole thing. I frowned with a smile, asking him with my expression what the heck was he doing?

"It's really dusty." Jungkook sighed, a nervous smile on his face. "I don't want you to see it." I dropped my back pack onto the ground and walked over to the piano, sitting down on its bench.

"Too bad." I smiled. "I play, you know."

"That's beautiful." Jungkook smiled, putting his elbows on the piano and setting his head ontop of them, staring at me as he leaned against the piano. "Play me something?" I turned to face the piano, but noticed something was off.

"Gguk." I looked back at him. "Can I call you Gguk?" He nodded quickly, his eyes wide, curious as to what I was going to say. "The piano is closed."


"So?" I laughed, teasing him. "Gguk, there is always a song being played on a piano. It's just dumbos like you can't hear them." I flicked his forehead, sticking my tongue out at him as he rubbed his forehead. "Or care."

"What!" Jungkook stood up straight, squinting his eyes at me as he crossed his arms. "I care!"

"Mhm." I opened the piano after brushing off some dust. "Ten bucks you were a jock in high school." Jungkook went back to his leaning position, his eyes on me again.

"I didn't have time for sports in high school." Jungkook mumbled, his lips in a small pout since his face was squished against his arm. I frowned and took my fingers from the piano, slouching slightly.

"What do you mean?" I looked down at my hands, the boho rings shiny in the dimly lit room. "You're a teenager in high school, you should be able to do whatever you want."

"It's complicated." Jungkook's eyes darted around the piano, his fingers tapping on it lightly. "Can you play?"

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