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"Annika." Jungkook finally broke the uncomfortable silence between us. "I-"

"I'm used to it Gguk." I forced a smile, hoping it didn't look as painful as it felt. Man, the pain of being called fat in front of an actual idol who is perfect in every single was hurt so much. And then said idol is your crush.

"No." Jungkook stopped and grabbed my hands, holding them tightly and pulling me close until I could feel his breath against my face. "You are absolutely fucking perfect. Your body is perfect, your face, your personality, everything. Everything about you is perfect, okay? Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Because when I find out, I will knock some sense into them, alright?" I swallowed and nodded, my eyes drifting down to his lips. When they slowly morphed into a smile, I snapped back up to look at his eyes, sparkles in them. "You're beautiful, Anni." His hand let go of mine and cupped my cheek, and our lips connected, my heart stopping.

Does, does this idol like me too?

"D-did you just kiss me or am I dreaming?" I whispered after the kiss ended, the buzz still on my lips. We were closer than before, Jungkook having to tip his head down and mine was angled up.

"Oh you're so cute!" He laughed, picking me up and spinning me in a circle, my squeal echoing through the park as Honey barked, jumping at us.

"Hey put me down!" I hit his shoulder lightly, my legs wrapped around his waist and arms loosely around his shoulders. Wait, he can pick me up?

"Oh you should get used to it." Jungkook touched his nose against mine and smiled. "Because I'm never letting you out of my arms." Then he sat me down gently, holding my hands again. "Which leads me to this next." Jungkook rubbed his thumbs over my hands. "I like you, a lot. And I really want to date you, but, we met yesterday so I want to take it slow, I think?"


"And like, I can take you on a date tomorrow and-"

"But, wasn't this our first date?" I grinned, looking down at our hands. Jungkook smiled widely.

"So, Miss Annika." He spoke in an Italian accent. "How did the first date go?" I giggled, pushed his forehead away from me, loving his surprisingly good accent.

"I think this guy is a keeper really."

"Well in that case..." Jungkook looked down at Honey and grabbed her, going down on one knee held up Honey. "Annika will accept this dog and be my girlfriend?"

"How could I say no?" I smiled widely, accepting Honey and Jungkook engulfed us both in a hug.

"I understand if you start crying Love." He rubbed my back, kissing my cheek. "The proposal took a lot of planning and I made sure it was emotional." I snorted and he laughed, holding my hands again. He really likes holding hands.

"You're such a nerd."

"Nah, I'm boyfriend material."

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