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It took Jungkook two weeks to slip that he had a girlfriend.

It took the press two hours to find me.

"Are you Jungkook's girlfriend?"

"He just said he has a girlfriend!"

"It's you, isn't it?"

I tried pushing through them as I fumbled with my phone, pressing the first contact I saw.

"Annika?" Jin asked, a frown in his voice. "What's up-"

"There's these press people everywhere. Can-excuse me- can you pick me up please?" I kept my head low as cameras flashed, their questions bombarding me. And then the one question was asked. The one I've always asked myself.

"Isn't Jeon Jungkook too good for you?"


"Who said that?" Jungkook demanded, pacing back and forth as I awkwardly sat on the couch, keeping my eyes on the floor. "I'll kill them."

"Some reporter-"

"I'm sorry for shouting." Jungkook sat next to me, pulling me into a hug. "That was wrong of me." I hummed and let him hug me, listening to his steady breathing. "You don't believe them, do you?" I closed my eyes and sighed. "Anni..."

"How could I not?" I spoke, my heart stinging at the insult I was about to give myself. "You're a world-famous pop star, and I'm just some...some depressed, over-weight girl."

"No..." Jungkook faced me, a horribly sad look on his face. "That's not you at all. You're so much more than that."

No, I'm not.

"I think I'm going to go to bed-" I stood up, letting go of his hand, but he held tight.


"Goodnight Jungkook." I pulled my hand away, a tear falling down my cheek as I walked away.

He stayed away for almost twenty minutes. I was laying down, Honey snuggling with me.


"Yes Jungkook?"

"Can I sleep with you?"


"Jungkook." I mumbled, my hair in my face as I sat up, Jungkook holding me tightly, a tank top on. "Didn't you have a photo shoot this morning?"

"Shit." He unwrapped his arms from me and threw back the pillows, running out of my room, the knocks on the door just now registering. "I'm late I'm late." He ran past the open door again, a toothbrush in his mouth, pulling on jeans as he ran to the door. "Sejin-"

"Jungkook! We are all late because of you!"

"I know-"

"Hurry up!"

Jungkook ran past my room again, and I knew he wouldn't say goodbye. I pulled Honey into my arms and laid back down, slowly stroking her head.

"We'll see him later." I reassured my dog, but more myself than her. "He's busy." A hand brushed a strand from my face and I felt his chest against my shoulder.

"I'm never too busy for a goodbye kiss." He smiled, pecking my lips. "I'll see you later Anni."

He's different, isn't he?

"Stay safe."


I looked down at the omelet, the omelet looking back at me.

"You're too big for him!"

"Geez come back when you're 130 pounds or less."

"Poor Jungkookie. He could do so much better."

The omelet went in the trash.

Honey whined once I sat on the couch, holding my stomach, the need to puke disgusting me.

"I'm okay Honey." I rubbed her ears. "I'm not hungry."



"Honey I'm home!" Jungkook called out with a laugh. I walked out of my bedroom, the smell of puke still in my breath. I waved before rushing back in the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth. I know he'll ask for a kiss, and if he tastes puke-

"Why are you brushing you're teeth?" Jungkook leaned against the frame of the door, looking at his watch. "It's only seven." I spit out the excess and rinsed out my mouth with water, smiling at Jungkook.

"I felt the need to."

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head, pulling me in for a hug. "I missed you today." He kissed my cheek as we swayed slowly in the bathroom. "I loved your text messages."

"I loved your responses." I smiled, remembering his selfies and dumb but lovable texts. "What are we doing tonight? Another tour?"

"I brought home take-out actually." Jungkook released our hug and laced our fingers together, kissing the top of my hand. "I was thinking of playing some video games and then movies?" I grinned.

"You know me too well Ggukie."

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