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"Oh, well, I was going to get a dog once I got settled into my apartment." I looked down at my fingers, frowning slightly. "But I'll have to do that some other-"

"Nope!" Jungkook interrupted and stood up straight. "I don't mind having a dog running around here." He scratched his head and looked around the kitchen. "You go get ready and we'll stop for breakfast somewhere." He pointed to me before looking at the other two guys. "You guys get out."

"But I wanna come!" Hoseok jumped to his feet, smiling widely. "Jimin we are going to the pet shop!"

"We are?" Taehyung's attention was finally caught, the TV turning off.

"No!" Jungkook sighed, walking to the living room to drag Jimin up from his seat. "I'm taking Annika to the pet store while you guys go back to the company and do stuff."

"Like what?" Namjoon crossed his arms and gave Jungkook a look.

"I dunno. Clean something." Jungkook laughed, throwing a pillow at Taehyung.

"Annika can we come with you?" Hoseok made me his target and his bottom lip stuck out in an adorable pout. "Please?"

"Leave her alone Hyung." Jungkook threw a pillow at Hoseok right before Jimin tackled Jungkook onto the couch, Namjoon rolling his eyes. "Don't feel pressured to do anything Anni." I smiled but nodded towards Hoseok.

"You guys can come, I don't mind."


"Annika you should get a snake." Namjoon pointed to a garden snake. "Then you could throw it at Jungkook."

"Or Hoseok." Jungkook crossed his arms, standing beside me. "I would just catch it. Hobi Hyung would scream, maybe pass out if we get lucky." I giggled but moved past the snakes, Taehyung and Hoseok running passed us to the cats, lots of oohing and awing from them. "You came for a dog, right Anni?"

"Yeah." I nodded, looking up at him as we walked slowly to the birds. "I just like looking at the animals." He nodded, understanding why we haven't gotten to the dogs yet. "Have you ever had a dog?"

"Nope." Jungkook beamed, twirling in a circle for some unknown reason. "But Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung all have dogs."

"Awh." I turned to Namjoon, finally making our way to the dogs. "What's your dog's name?"

"Rap Mon." He smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "But I call him Monie." Jimin laughed and punched Namjoon's arm lightly.

"We love Monie." Jungkook glanced down at me, smiling before opening the door for me to walk into where the dogs were.

"Thank you." I walked in first and got a bit overwhelmed at the number of dogs in here, all barking and such.

"Let's start over here." Jungkook wrapped his arm around my shoulder and directed me to one side of the room. "And we can take it slow." I awkwardly patted his hand on my shoulder and smiled a thank you.

It took a while, but we walked out, the puppy in Jungkook's arms as I led the way to the dog food and toys, Jimin and Taehyung racing to get a cart.

"Do you like him Gguk?" I smiled turned to look back at the pair, Namjoon waving at the puppy.

"Yes I love him." Jungkook planted a big fat kiss on the dog's head right before Taehyung and Jimin crashed their carts into each other, laughing as they doubled over on their carts, people staring. I covered my mouth, looking around nervously. "Come on." Jungkook whispered and pulled me into an aisle, leaving Namjoon and Hoseok to deal with the two and a broken cart.

"So should I get a big bag of food or do I get a small one and continue to pick up the bags?" I crouched down to look at the young dog food, trying to do the math in my head of what would benefit better.

"I'd get it in a big bag." Jungkook handed me my puppy and picked up the big bag, wincing once his hurt hand strained against the weight.

"Careful!" My hand instinctively grabbed his arm, our eyes meeting each other. Jungkook was the first to smile.

"Awh, Anni cares about me." He teased, carrying the bag with his good arm. "Look at you!"

"Shut up."

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