blood and knives

546 42 43

"Annika." Jungkook leaned his head on the door of the bathroom, knocking softly once more. "Please open the door." Jungkook closed his eyes, tuning his ears into the room to hear her. There was nothing. "Anni, are you in there."


She's depressed.

Something inside of Jungkook snapped and he wiggled the doorknob, his heart pounding in his chest.

Arguments spark thoughts.

Suicidal thoughts

She thinks she's not good enough.

"Anni!" Jungkook shouted, ramming his shoulder into the door, the door holding his strength as he gritted his teeth. "Annika say something!" Jungkook stepped back and sniffed, hopping once before he slammed his foot against the knob, the door slamming open, a crash of splinters leading it.

She wasn't there.

Where is she?

15th floor. There's no balcony. No windows are opened. She's not dead.

Jungkook's chest and shoulders moved with each breath he took, quick, aggressive breaths. Where was she?

His eyes locked on the ground. There was blood.

"Anni." Jungkook whimpered, his hands pulling his hair in fistfuls, tugging to make sure he could still feel pain. To distract him from the pain in his heart. "Anni please."

The bathroom light is on. There, the blood was going to the bathroom.

Jungkook's mind flashed to a murder scene he saw in a movie once. No she's alive. She has to be alive.

"Annika." Jungkook sobbed out, banging on the door, Annika's ragged breath just barely reaching the door.

"I'm done Jungkook. I'm leaving this hell." Her voice was so broken, stuffed. She sniffed violently, hissing at something.

She was cutting herself-

"Listen to me!" Jungkook slammed his fist on the door. "You are beautiful just the way you are!" Annika scoffed, drawing another line of blood unknown to Jungkook. "Put the knife down! Babe..." Jungkook cried, he let sobs fall from his lips.

For only five seconds.

He gave himself five seconds to be the weak one.

"Please, just put down the knife."

The knife clattered to the ground.

But so did Annika.


"Keep breathing Baby." Jungkook had his hand clasped with Annika's in the backseat, his eyes wide and frantic as he sped past other cars, honking as loud as he could. He needed to get her to the hospital. "Don't you leave me, you hear me? Annika you have to stay alive."

Why wasn't she feeling regrets? Why was she wishing that Jungkook would've just left her to die? Why wasn't she happy?

These thoughts flooded Annika's mind as people shouted around her, something about blood. She wished she would just be gone. To not have to look at those bright, white lights. Not have to wish the screams would be silenced.

Jungkook sobbed out once the nurses brought him back with him. The doctors knew she....


That she.....


Jungkook needed to say goodbye.

"Annika." Jungkook held her hand tightly, tears falling down his face, tracing that broken smile of his. "Annika, I love you. Do you love me?"

"Of course...Just an argument." Annika knew she was going to leave soon. She knew the second she saw nurses ushering Jungkook in. "Do you think I'm pretty."

"You're as beautiful as the day I met you." Jungkook sniffed, smiling gently, forcing his lips to smile and assure her that she'll be okay. His shaking fingers brushed her hair, over and over as they stared into each other's eyes. "You're perfect Annika. You're absolutely stunning."

"I love you Jungkook." She smiled now too, her voice soft, her eyes full of tears. "Maybe we'll meet again." Those tears fell from her eyes as her heart stopped beating, the light draining from her eyes.

"My baby." Jungkook kept running his fingers through her hair, still keeping his eyes locked with hers. "My beautiful baby." He leaned forward and kissed her lips, kissed one last time.

"She's gone...Sir."

"I know." Jungkook's voice cracked and he stopped brushing her hair, laying his head on the bed, holding her limp hand as tightly as he could.

He didn't scream.

He cried yes, but he didn't scream.

Why didn't he love her enough?

Why wasn't he good enough for her?

This was all Jungkook's fault.



i hope you all enjoyed :)

i little salty ending for you lovelies

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