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As she walked closer, the two boys backed up. "Jonathan you go to the old man and I'll catch up with you!" Dio said angrily. Jonathan shook his head no. "I cant leave you here!" He yelled. The woman then started running. Your arms started twitching. The blood moving in slow motions over Jonathans head.

"Oh she's awakend in her! NO DAMN IT!" The woman yelled stopping dead in her tracks freaking out. The blood on your arms grabbed your moms throat. Your body falling off Jonathan. Your pale face showing your loss of blood. About to fall into the hard brick path. But dio caught you just in time. "Let's go!" Dio yelled holding you bridal style. Jonathan nodded and the two started running. The blood let go of your mom because of Jonathan and dio running away. The blood slammed back into your body, now no longer being manipulated.

The two saw the carriage and saw sliv and George. 'Damn, how are we gonna explain this?' Dio thought looking down at you. "Jonathan, I have an idea." Dio said looking at Jojo, "what is It dio?"

"Hey father! Can me dio and y/n go around the town? Well make sure she's safe too!" Jonathan asked kindly. "Oh go ahead, enjoy your youth." George spoke softly. Jojo nodded then walked back towards dio and gave a thumbs up.

They ran to a side exit of the house and ran to a small clinic. A woman who seemed dunce like, smiled as they came in.

"She's lost a lot of blood, can you help us?" Jonathan asked politely. The woman stared at you, then at the boys. She smirked. "Oh maybe, depends on the price your willing to pay~." She spoke with a wink at the end. Jonathan blushed and was gonna say something but dio cut him off.

"Listen up wench, were not here to play with your gross self. Were here for this girl and shes in serious condition!" He yelled at the girl holding you closer. The girl tched and went to the back, "this way."

They sat her down and exited the room. the two boys were stressing out. "I'm sure shell be fine dio. She's a very strong girl." Jojo spoke. "She's still a little woman though."

"So? That doesnt matter, from what I can tell her mom has been doing that for some time. And you saw how much she works. Am I wrong dio?" Jojo brought up a fair point.

"Why are we in this mess, we only met her just a few hours ago. This shouldn't be our problem." Dio spoke in a sour voice. Jojo sighed. "Because we Care. Shed most likely do the same. Common curiosity." Jonathan spoke with a smile.
Dio rolled his eyes in annoyance.

After a few hours the girl came out.
"Alright, i gave her stitches on her arms and back legs. Be careful with her." The nurse said annoyed.

Jonathan smiled taking out a wallet.
Dio walked to the back to see you. You were still asleep and pale. But you didn't have any more open wounds or blood on you. He looked at your arm, the stitches looked so horribly put together. He scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Seeing as your clothes were still chipping away, he took off his blazer and put It around you. Staring, he couldn't just leave those horrible stitches. In a way it bugged him health wise, and mentally felt wrong. He grabbed some bandage wraps off the shelf and put them in the coat pockets. Jonathan walked back there.

"How nice of you to give your blazer dio." He said with a small smile. Dio tched. "Oh yea? How about i take mine back and you give yours to her?" Dio said in a sour voice. Jojo chuckled. "Well you already did it so its none of my concern now."

'Common curiosity...'

The two left you there to sleep for a few hours as they did their own things around town.

                      Few hours later

You sat there slowly waking up. It was slightly dark outside. Feeling dizzy still you tried to sit up. But couldn't, after many attempts you did. Seeing a blazer on top of you. It was that blondes one right? Dio? Is that his name? Feeling the jacket you felt something in the right pocket. Taking out bandages, you then remembered most of what happened. Your face drained color. Sighing, you look at the loosely stitched arms you have. Seeing why the bandages were there, you warped your arms and legs.

Collecting your thoughts you decided to try and stand. Moving your legs up and down, back and fourth, you felt confident. Your feet met the cold floor, causing you to get shock on your whole body. Grabbing the coat you put it on. You knew your clothes would burn off at some point.
As you were about to leave that back room, you faced a nurse. She looked so... So.... "Stupid..." You said out loud not caring anymore.

"What?" She looked at you with a annoyed look. "Where are the two who brought me here ma'am?" You asked Playing with the blazer sleeves. She glared. "Some place, truly I have a question." She demanded getting closer. You stood straight up and looked in her eyes. "Yes?"

She got closer still she was a few feet away. "Which one Is yours? Blondie or the soft one?" She asked grinning. You sat for a second. you started laughing thinking of something funny. "Their both mine honey.~" you teased. She looked at you with a horrid face.

"Oh yea then prove it, they should be back any time now." The nurse said in a jealous voice. She had this look of someone who doesnt belong in a clinic. More like a brothel.
After around 20 minutes the two came back. Sitting in a chair, you got up. Jonathan was more than happy to see your okay, Dio just stood there with a stotic face.
The three of you walked to the exit. The nurse glared at you waiting, like she almost knew but didn't. "Boys I have a gift for you." You said finding what your about to do embarrassing, the two looked at you. You gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "That's a reward by the way."

Jonathan went red but thanked you, dio smirked finding it normal-ish.
He was still pink though.

Walking towards the doors, you gave that girl the bird and walked out.
The three of you all started talking and having a good rest of the night out.

"Good night y/n!" Jojo said happily. You waved at him as he got in the carriage. "Bye dio ~" you said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes, "Do you want this blazer back?" You asked raising a brow. He shook his head no, "keep it. It was getting tight on me anyways." He said looking away.

You gave him a hug, he was taken back. "Thanks for the bandages, that nurse was a slut." You spoke as you backed off. He stared at you with a slightly amused look. "Well good night dio. See you." You said walking into your house. Dio watched from the carriage window.

'What an eventful day.' Both of the boys thought.


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