∆ molto bene ∆

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You woke up from many dreams like that. And you kept a log of them. For a very long while. Most of the time you kinda just slept, or tried to talk to dio but he was always doing something. You saw this hallway lead down into a basement like room. Youve been bored for a few days now, so might as well explore.

You walked down the cold steps, opening the door, you took a breath. 'Cold...'
Seeing multiple rooms, there was little windows you could see inside. The door shut behind you causing you to slightly jump. You kept walking, till you decided to look in the rooms. What you saw made you weirded out... There was atleast 2 women per room. "Help us! Please!" One yelled. Another came to the little window. "He'll take you too!" Another said. You saw these bite marks they all had. 'The hell is he up too?' You then thought about it, the dark rooms, actually hisses at sunshine... "Vampire." You said aloud, then a girl tried grabbing your hair. You took her wrist and burend it.

"Ill come back." You said with a false sense. You walked out and slowly shut the door. Leaning against it, you sighed. walking around again thinking. 'Two things popped in my head, some kinky stuff is happening, or testing..' You decided to go with both but more on the sexual side. Seeing a garden area you smiled, thinking of the one back home, you said down in the grass. Your body felt at rest to be certain. it couldnt be a more beautiful day out. Seeing how this part of the palace wasnt used, you took it upon youself to use it. it was very open, only a bit of it closed off, the rest is very open. Everything seemed dusty and cluttered. And you wouldnt have dio for an entertainment source. Plus your sleep schedule is way off then his. So you actually got a lot done in a days work. Sweeping the tile, cleaning the garden, you even took furniture from the main part of the building. Eventually everything looked amazing. 3 days all it took, you had some help from that guy who knocked you out, of course.
You made drinks and sat them on the table, it was dark out and you had these nice candles around the tops of pillars and around the garden had lanterns in the trees and along the path you made. The little area was a mini living room, open view with pillars holding out, there was an up stairs but youd do that at a later time. That little area was surrounded by the garden, the little stone path leading to a mini flower patcg and the other leading to a fountain and sitting area. You felt proud. You even stayed up late to show that blonde.

Walking towards the room he was still asleep. Walking towards him you took a bit to look at him, he's changed alot. His face and everything looks different than how he used too. He looks more feminine to be completely honest. Stifling a laugh, you cupped his face, "dio..dio." You spoke quietly. He hummed. "Get up I wanna show you something." You said looking at him not moving you hand. He didn't move, sighing. "Fine I'll go enjoy my night with Jonathans ghost." You said moving you hand away, he grabbed your hand and looked at you with tired eyes. You internally giggled, finding it cute you blushed a little. "What?" He questioned annoyed, you held his hand tighter and pulled him up out of bed. "Take the blanket its cold out." you said and he did as said wrapping it around himself. You sighed, but before you began to open the door he pulled you in the blanket with him. You blushed at his action. "Lets go.. I dont have all day y/n." He spoke as you than lead the wag to your paradise. "Why are we walking so far?" He complained, he then questioned you, "why haven't you been coming to bed?" or  "is it dark enough out?"

You shushed him as you then pushed open the door to your little hideaway.
He opened his eyes a bit more to see your place. He was truly stunned, everything seems to peaceful, warm and comforting. You walked towards that island and sat down. He followed.

'Truly knows how to amaze me..' He thought, never removing you from his sight.  You looked at him and smiled, you actually felt proud of yourself, your hard work, the hussle... Everything felt nice. He took a seat next to you. "Beautiful isnt it." You said leaning on him. He looked down at you and couldn't stop starring. You noticed that and looked back at him, locking gases. You both leaned closer to each other, slowly closing your eyes. Your lips barely inches apart. Your eyes still slightly open, his closed. You went in for It, sealing a kiss. both of you fighting for who's dominant. It went like that till you needed air. Backing away you couldn't help but smile. "That felt great." You said looking at him, his face dusted blush. You can tell that he hasn't had a real love since you. All those women. That reminds you. You inhaled. "Dio.. I have something to ask you." You said backing away a bit, he hummed. "What were those women for? The ones in that mini bunker?" You asked genuinely curious. He looked at you wide eyed, he didn't want you finding it. Making sure by having someone watching that door.

You sat waiting for an answer. He sighed, "I used them. For a guilty pleasure." He spoke, obviously feeling somewhat bad for having to tell you that, you were kinda upset but you chuckled. "Plowing women like Zeus huh?" You joked he blushed. "Well they can take your first time or whatever, but I know I'm your first love, dio." You said leaning on To his Lap looking up at him.
He played with your hair, mumbling a small yeah. He knew you were right. You both stayed like that for a while. You fell asleep even. He admired how you got his attention, far beyond any woman hes slept with. You were confident, you were able to face up to him. You accepted him even.

Its like saying, the teacher is a horrible teacher but a good person. Maybe vise versa even. She knew his intentions, but she also saw through his cocky exterior.
He knew he had to protect you at all cost.
He moved you to the bed, "good night my love." He kisses your head as you slept. He walked out going back to work.


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