Chapter 1

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"You deserve flowers on your doorstep, and coffee in the morning. You deserve notes left on your dashboard and ice cream sundaes at 3 a.m. You deserve honesty in every day and to be kissed every hour. You deserve to be reminded how beautiful you are. And if you let me, I'll show you everyday. I promise." - Pillow Thoughts

After the kind woman had asked her if she was okay, Lana seemed to finally switch on and hear all the sounds around her and really take in her surroundings. The woman had also pointed to her head and asked how she got her injury to which Lana replied "What injury?". The kind woman, who Lana found out was called Polly, invited her into her home so she could sort out the wound on her head, but not before looking very conflicted at the idea of bringing a stranger into the home.

When Lana was invited into the home she could instantly see why Polly was hesitant to invite her in. It wasn't a house, it was a betting den. Well most of it was with a small kitchen to the side. 

"What happened to you?" Polly asked, whilst dabbing some alcohol on the cut. Lana winced before answering.

"Honestly, I don't know." Lana said, worried that Polly would think she was crazy and chuck her out. 

"What do you know?" 

"Only that my name is Lana, I can't even remember my last name. I can't remember where I'm from." That was a lie. Lana could remember her whole other life, she could remember what she thought were her last moments and she could remember being dead. But she wasn't lying when she said she couldn't remember her last name. Polly looked at her with sadness in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something when the double doors that led to the betting den opened with a bang. In walked three men, all laughing about something one of them had just said, but one quieter than the others. They all stopped laughing when they saw Lana sat at the table, a small trickle of blood running down her face. 

"Who's this Poll?" The tall one with the moustache asked. 

"This is Lana. I found her on the street after she was almost ran over by a bloody horse. She can't remember anything but her name so don't go grilling her. I thought i'd be nice for once and offer her some help." She said, her accent thick. Lana hadn't thought to ask where she was, or even what date it was. She could see these boys were authoritive figures by the way they were looking at her and trying to threaten her with a stare but she couldn't have cared less, for all Lana knew she was in some sort of afterlife and this wasn't real. 

"Where am I?" She asked, tilting her head. 

"You're in the glamourous Birmingham Love!" The other loud one almost shouted at her. 

She looked away for a second, not letting any emotion show on her face. When she died she had been in Cornwall, where she had been born and raised. How had she gotten all the way to Birmingham? 

Lana slowly stood up, feeling dizzy from the cut on her head. 

"What's todays date?" 

"Bloody hell love you're asking all the questions today aren't you." The same one shouted again and laughed. 

"Can you just answer my question please?" Lana almost begged, starting to feel more and more sick as the seconds went by. 

The quiet one stood at the back of the room, leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette spoke up. "It's the 18th March, 1919." 

That was the last thing that Lana remembered before she felt everything go dizzy and she lost her footing beneath her. Everything went black.

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