Canes QNA w Hyuk

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Singular: Can-ess Plural: Kainz

Q: Are Canes attracted romantically to normal dogs?

A: They can be. Normal dogs to a Canes are like mentally disabled people. A Canes can still be in love with a normal dog, just as an able person can love a disabled one, but the dog, as is their nature, probably won't reciprocate in a romantic way, as dogs aren't known to be monogamous. Canes are more monogamous because they're more closely related to wolves, as opposed to the relentless breeding and social conditioning most normal dogs have experienced.

Q: What about sexually?

A: In short; yes, normal dogs can be physically/sexually attractive to Canes

Q: Should dog owners be afraid of Canes sleeping with their dogs?

A: No, Canes are still people, just as they are wolves, they know the repercussions of sleeping with an actual dog, mainly being the very high possibility of breeding a litter into a family that has no idea how to care for not only a Canes, but a disabled one at that. In short, you don't need to keep your dog inside for fear of a Canes coming for them

Q: In families like Hyuk's, where there's a Canes in a family including normal dogs, is there a chance that the Canes will be with those dogs?

A: There's always a chance of course, as with everything, but in general no. Specifically with the last point of breeding. Though if a Canes does happen to form an emotional connection with a dog.. think of it like this; a disabled persons is being cared for by an able person, the disabled person, being a dog, will probably adore anyone they come across, including the able person. Now, the able person falling in love and sleeping with the disabled one, would still be considered taking advantage of a vulnerable person, regardless of whether it was with well intentions or not, and that's how we see mating within the household with normal pets

Q: So will Canes ever come into contact sexually with a pet?

A: Yes, it happens, just as it happens with disabled humans and able humans, but in large, it is not something you should worry about. Worrying about your pets safety solely because a Canes has moved in on your street is akin to racism. We usually only mate with other Canes or people, not pets.

Q: Are there any acceptable situations with Canes/Dog relationships?

A: Yes, but just one that I can immediately think of. If you, in your animal form, interact with a dog on a regular basis, without being their caretaker or harming them in any way, you can have a "relationship" with them. It's still mostly looked down upon, but that's mainly from the perspective of breeding. Otherwise as long as nobody, specifically the dog, gets hurt, and the dog doesn't get pregnant, it's okay. In additon; if the dog does get pregnant, it's the Canes responsibility to parent the litter, and if he doesn't he's basically an outcast in the community

Q: What about male dogs and female Canes?

A: The previously mentioned situation is much more acceptable, as long as she's not hurting the dog. If she does get pregnant, she at least should know how to raise a litter of Canes, and can get help where it's needed from others who know how to raise the litter. Still not great though, most Canes will look down on her for it or at least be made uncomfortable by it

Q: Is there an age of consent with normal dogs? + is there a difference with small/medium/large breed dogs?

A: Since it doesn't happen much we don't need to talk about it, but when it comes up we generally put it at 2 years. We as Canes have different sizes and breeds, but since we're mostly large breeds, small breed dogs are almost entirely off-limits

Q: if Canes are basically wolves with person brains, why do they have dog breeds as their animal forms?

A: aaaaaaaaaaa idk evolution ig

Q: Is it ethical for a Canes to own a pet?

A: aha aha idkfUCK probably not? I'm going with no

Q: Do Canes see dogs like humans see nude humans?

A: Kinda? Depends. It's usually nothing but if there's a dog that usually has a collar/bandana/whatever on and it's seen without it, that can be some uwu shit. Other than that dogs usually have fur that acts like clothes, so dogs without fur can be seen like a nude human, yes. Just give them a collar or something and keep them well groomed and you'll be fine

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