Aging (A/D/etc)

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Angel pregnancies last 12 months

Demon pregnancies last 21 months

Angels mature v fast, we got 12 year olds out here acting like adults

Demons mature v slow, 12 year olds still taking naps n shit

Angels get to "adulthood" mentally at around 14, physically at around 20

Demons get to "adulthood" mentally usually at around 50, though every demon has a different timeline, physically at around 15


Blind and deaf, movement is uncoordinated at best. Communication consists of soft cries to tell parents/caretakers that their needs are not met. Children feel safe around parents.

Weak sight and hearing. Uncoordinated movement, main mode of independent transportation is rolling. Communication consists of useless babbling and soft cries. Safety is felt around parents and strangers.

Stronger sight and hearing. Crawling is possible. Creativity flourishes. Some simple words can be formed and repeated.

Communication is clumsy and inarticulate. Association between actions and events are developed. Caretaker bonds are very strong. Walking is possible.

Middle childhood:
Reading and writing is learned. Spoken language is recognizable, simple conversations are possible. Movement is easier.

Late Childhood:
Running and climbing is possible. Articulation is easier. Sight and hearing are improved.

Complex conversation is easy, sight and hearing are as good as they'll ever be. Independence is created as they rely on older angels to teach them. Slang and abbreviations are utilized. Interest in attraction is explored. Some experimentation is carefully exhibited.

Early Adulthood:
More experimentation done in secret between only close friends. Slang and abbreviations are retired in favor of professionalism. An angel would have (a) child(ren) around this time.

Middle Adulthood:
Identities mostly solid, angels are resistant to change. Children are raised with strict schedules and rules. Angels will settle in an area and remain there until they are unable to stay.

Late Adulthood:
Angels retire and simply vibe, guiding the younger generations as they see fit.

*demons are varied in their development, pinpointing specific ages for these stages is pointless

When they come out they're in an egg. Not much to say. Big egg. Hefty. Pretty sturdy, not *easily* broken, but definitely doable if you're trying to break it. Dropping it is a bad idea. Needs to be kept warm, setting it by a fireplace if you're not able to kept it with you is okay. Ideally it will be kept near a parent, both for protection and warmth.

Fresh out the egg. Shaky movement, sensitive hearing, patterns are recognizable, play is essential. A newborn demon will attempt to mimic the movements of demons round them. Communication is clumsy and inarticulate, mostly consisting of cries when their needs are not met and attempts to mimic sounds that they like. Association between repeated actions and events are developed (if I touch / go near this, I get hurt). Caretaker bonds are beginning, the child doesn't know anyone outside of their family. Meals are given and eaten.
Sleep: ~19/24hrs per day

Mostly stable movement, sensitive hearing, can independently form a few words and perform a few actions (drinking alone, climbing small trees). Mimicking sounds is relatively easy. Connecting sounds and objects/animals/events is possible with repeated exposure. Object recognition is strong. Play is essential. Caretaker bonds are strong. Meals are given and eaten with vigor.
Sleep: ~16/24hrs per day

Movement is stable, they're fast and mostly confident in their steps. Simple conversation is possible, mimicking sounds is fun and easy. They may create art or simple architecture (like building blocks). They can connect symbols with sounds and objects, though reading and writing is still in its very early stages. Caretaker bonds are only necessity, independence is blossoming. Play is essential. They will help in catching meals, and will eat with vigor as soon as possible.
Sleep: ~13/24hrs per day

Vocabulary is expanded, making more extensive conversation possible, mimicking sounds is used as a tool. Movement is entirely stable, the demon has control over their body. Art/builds become more elaborate as they age. Reading is simple, writing is easy. They're pretty much independent, though emotionally their parental bonds are as strong as they'll ever be. They will help catch or catch their own meals, and eat as soon as possible
Sleep: ~10/24hrs per day

Middle Childhood:
Communication is complex, mimicking is a tool. Movement is entirely stable. Reading and writing is simple. They're pretty independant, caretaker bonds are optional. They will help catch or catch their own meals, and eat only what's necessary, saving leftovers for later. This is usually around 10, when the demon gets their Famal.
Sleep: They learn to save energy, can save up a full days worth of sleeping and stay up for three days without nap. Capable of hibernation followed by short-term sleep deprivation. Normal sleeping pattern would be ~

Late Childhood:

*From here on, order may vary. Stages may happen more than once.

Shortcuts in language are used (abbreviations), new language is developed (slang). Mimicking sounds is fun, as well as being a tool. Caretaker bonds are optional, independence to the point of rebellion is huge. They can catch their own meals. Interest in sexuality and identity begins, experimentation is huge. Fun is placed above survival. They have a strong sense of community, making social ties very prominent and important. Meals are saved/shared within social groups. Toying with prey is normal.
Sleep: Capable of hibernation followed by long-term sleep deprivation

Early Adulthood:
Survival is placed above fun. Slang and abbreviations are used and expanded upon. Mimicking sounds is a fun tool. Caretaker bonds are varied and optional, rebellion is only utilized under necessity. Sexuality and expermintation are expanded. Toying with prey happens, but not as much.

Middle Adulthood:
Language is cemented. Sexuality is cemented. Identity is secure. Hunting is straightforward. The demon is ready for children. Changing concepts is difficult but possible with effort (addressing bigotry etc). Schedules are created and kept to.

Late Adulthood:
Changing concepts is very difficult, still technically possible. Having a child may reignite some adolescent flares, causing more play within loose schedules. Many demons will want to be generally sedentary, or remain in specific terretories.

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