Hell Regix/King/Queen

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Current Ruler(s) of Hell:
Regix, Head of Household
King/Queen, Head(s) of Household
Former Ruler of Hell:
Majestic/High/Graceful Lord
Your Majesty/Highness/Grace
Other Family:
Non-Royal Spouse of a Royal:
(Royal's) Consort (ex: Regixs Consort Sebastian (Lucifres husband), Queens Consort Alexandra (Cecil's wife))

Order of succession:
Majestic/High/Graceful Lord

King/Queen/Regix is referred to by their chosen Leaders Title (Queen Musgrave for Callisto / Regix Lucifer for Lucifre / King Kroawn for Lucious)
Alt "My Liege"

Majestic/High/Graceful Lord is referred to by their first name (Graceful Lord Julien, High Lord Lucifer, Majestic Lord Callisto, etc) or simply their title (Your Grace, Your Highness, Your Majesty)
Alt "My Liege"

Heir/Heiress/Heiror is referred to by their condensed middle name (Heiror Alaric for Lucious, Heiress Cecil, etc)
Alt "My Lieget"

Prince/ss/or is referred to by their condensed middle name (Princetor Alaric for Lucious, etc)

Majestic/High/Graceful Lord are designations of duty, not gender specific (ML as former King, GL as former Queen, HL as former Regix)

King/Queen/Regix are designations of duty, not gender specific (King Juno, Queen Edward, Regix Lucifre)
Queen manages Quality of Life, ensuring the kingdom's happiness.
King manages Ensurance of Life, ensuring the kingdom's safety.
Regix performs both duties.

Heir/Heiress/Heiror are designations of duty, not gender specific (Heiror Lucious, Heiress Cecil, Heir Lucifre).
Heir is for introductory training for both King and Queen positions.
Heiror training is for future Kings.
Heiress training is for future Queens.
After training as an Heir, most often a prince will be transitioned into whichever position suits them best, either becoming a Heiror(future King) or a Heiress(future Queen).

Prince/Princess/Princetor are gender specific terms, no bearing on duty
'Prince' just means 'Child of The Ruler'
'Princetor' is 'Male Child of The Ruler'
'Princess' is 'Female Child of The Ruler'
'The Ruler' being the current King/Queen/Regix

°○ Regix/King/Queen Official Titles ○°

Julien - Keswick
Callisto - Musgrave

Nigel - Bexli
Iilada -

Victor - Satan
Batori - Blackburn

Lucifre - Lucifer
Celeste -

Lucious - Kroawn
Cecil -

Bela - Ambrose
Lili -

Juno -
Edward -

Divina -
Bing -

●• Training Histories •●

Julien - King Keswick -
No training

Callisto - Queen Musgrave -
No training

Nigel - King/Regix Bexli -
Received introductory Heir training from ages 3-10, transitioned into Heiress training for about two years (ages 10-12) before the castle was overtaken. He received 7 years of Heir training and 2 years of Heiress training before becoming King, totaling 9 years of training.

Iilada -
No training

Victor - King Satana -
No formal training, after the castle was overtaken, Nigel taught him some small things, it was less training more passing time

Batori - Queen Blackburn -
(Enter experience)

Lucifre - Regix/King Lucifer -
Received no training in his childhood, save for what Seth wanted to talk about. When Victor was dethroned, Lucifre (age 15) was trained as a Heiress, and then later on received an Heir training. He received (in current cannon) Heiress training from ages 15-21, where he stops his training in favor of spending time with his new love, humanity, specifically a pirate named Sebastiaen. He returns to his training at age 27, now taking an Heir training, from ages 27-33, when Lucifre is crowned as King of Hell. His training consists of 6 years of Heiress training and 6 years of Heir training, for a total of 12 years of training.

Celeste -

Lucious - King Kroawn -
Trained with introductory Heir from ages 3-10, transitioned into Heiror training from ages 10-21, totaling 18 years of training, consisting of 7 years of Heir training and 11 years of Heiror training.

Cecil - Queen -
Trained with introductory Heir from ages 3-10, transitioned into Heiress training from ages 10-21, totaling 18 years of training, consisting of 7 years of Heir training and 11 years of Heiress training.

Bela -

Lili -

Juno -

Edward -

Divina -

Bing -

¤▪■ Crown Jewels ■▪¤

King Of Hell Ring

Queen Of Hell Ring

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Queen Of Hell Ring

Regix Of Hell Ring(s)

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Regix Of Hell Ring(s)

KOH Weapon (KOH Ring connect)

QOH Weapon (QOH Ring connect)

ROH Weapon (ROH Ring connect)

KOH Crown

QOH Crown

ROH Crown

Heir Of Hell Ring

HOH Weapon (HOH Ring Connect)

HOH Weapon (HOH Ring Connect)

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HOH Crown

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