Etiquette / Formalities - Hellion

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In Hellion culture turning your back on someone can mean different things depending on context

With friends/family, it means you trust them. You're showing vulnerability. You trust that they won't hurt you

With superiors (a boss, King/Queen, etc) it's disrespectful. It's a challenge. It's like saying "You're not a threat to me, I'm not scared of you, I'm stronger/better than you"

The difference is context and intent. One is
"I trust that you won't hurt me"
And the other is
"You can't hurt me"

In Hellion culture not pronouncing the first letter of someone's name (calling someone named Daniel aniel) / writing their name in lowercase (Daniel becomes daniel) is a signal of disrespect
The first letter of someone's name is seen as the most important letter, as it's the letter that determines your initials. Refusing to pronounce / capitalize that letter is seen as incredibly disrespectful.
Writing someone's name properly capitalized (Rex June) represents a neutral opinion
Writing a name with some capitalization (rex June) shows disrespect to the individual (rex), but not the individuals family (June)
Writing a name without any capitalization (rex june) is very disrespectful, as not only does it disrespect the individual (rex) but also the family (june)
Writing a name with all caps shows utmost respect, usually being reserved for those in power (LUCIOUS DE VALCROIX). It says that this individual is so important, that not only are their initials important, but their entire name is worthy of respect.

Speaking with disrespect (saying ex / ex une instead of rex / rex june) in private is disrespectful, but speaking like that in public shows a confidence that not only does the person speaking have a low opinion of you, but so does everyone around. It shows that the speaker believes that nobody will come to your defense, and that everyone in earshot shares the same low opinion of you.

●•° Shaking Hands °•●
Right Hand - Respect
Left Hand - Comfort
Both Hands - Love

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