Temperatures Demon/Human/Angel/Bachul

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Demons are always cold to the touch

Angels are always hot to the touch

Humans can change

Bachul can change

Angel/Demon kids are always neutral

Human/Bachul kids can change

Human/Demon kids are usually cold but can change

Human/Angel kids are usually hot but can change

Bachul/Demon kids are usually cold but can change

Bachul/Angel kids are usually hot but can change

Humans are affected by the temp around them, while the temp around a Bachul is dependant on the Bachul

Kinda like getting a bad vibe off someone, except for a Bachul that would be stepping near someone and the temp drops or raises kinda thing

Also when they're ovulating //on their period// they get hotter/colder (demons get colder, angels get hotter) and that's why they're extra irritable,,, I mean there's also the whole hormones thing but yk,,,,

When a demon underheats, they become tired and pale as their body shuts down, unable to fully recognize the situation. Their blood rushes through their bodies, trying to build heat through internal motion. When a certain low temperature is hit, all fat/caloric storage is burnt for warmth and power in a last ditch effort to fight their way out of the deadly situation, their blood pumps as hard as it can and adrenaline rushes.

When a demon overheats, blood becomes slower, they get tired as an unconscious effort to stay sedentary,

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