2. Misery

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This pretty world is indeed dangerous.
Its innocence derives it into an extent of pity.
Its hard to contemplate where you're standing and breathing.
Same way she found herself struggling to decide whether to lose or try.


"Hi, I'm jungkook, aren't you the doll who sings and dances ?"
She was in a state of daze.
She couldn't speak,neither could she nod.
She was lost, she was tired.
And she blacked out.



The 17 year old boy stalked the illuminating lights of the street.
He was in another world,and didnt know where he was heading to.

The scars of his were too many to count.
But one single voice was enough to calm it down.

Thus he found himself in that same isolated alleyway,
Where he found peace.
Astonishingly,he saw her,
Evelyn, the singing doll, lying on the cold surface.
He picked that frozen doll and took her to his small cottage,where he survived,after his mother's death.
He cleaned her, and changed her battery.
He brushed her hair, and laid her down on his mattress ,and put over a stitched blanket

After two days, she woke up.
She found herself a new owner,
That was what she thought.
And she was able to smile again

It took awhile for both of them to adjust.
He distracted himself from all the despair in his life and his corrupted father.
She was able to sing freely whenever, without any pressure.

He found that doll amusing.
He was glad, he was able to meet her.
All this time, with scars and heart full of disgust,rage,and regret was his life.
Seven years ago, that alleyway was the only place ,he calmed down.
That melodic voice was his favourite.
It made him forget about his rich abusive father,who snatched his childhood happiness and dreams away and made him do child labour and worse.

At the age of seven the boy began experiencing all those traumatic events including the torturous screams of his mother undergoing the process of death. He experienced all those Evil worldly miseries ,what a child would never dare to face.
He was finally able to escape, but as always ,had to hide and stay in the shadows. He survived on dog food for years. But that doll was one thing that sparked in his time.
"Hi,can we be friends?"
There, he finally smiled showing his bunny teeth and the cute dimples.

Evelyn was more happy and grateful.
She was like a toddler full of innocence......
She couldn't wait to sing in front of a crowd again.
But little did she know that she was never going to again.

Jungkook called her to come and sit on the tool.
As he would comb her messy hair again.
It was a routine for him now to take care of that fragile doll.
As this distracts him and makes him go into the"land of innisfree"from the cruel world.
The only fear he had uptill now, was, to be caught by his inhumane father and beheaded.
As he was on run.
For years he had been running,hiding, and surviving somehow.
His father was still in search of him.
He can't even imagine,what will happen if he ever gets caught by that beast.

This was the only fear he had.
Till then came another.
And that was, losing Evelyn.
His only hope!

End of phase 2

Sorry guys for the delay😛.

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