10. A Secret

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"Can I ask you a question mother?"

"Yes my boy, what is it?"

"What does one mean by 'What is soiled is made clean again.'
Can you explain me, mother?"

"You see my boy, in a big world like this,
There are many types of people facing and feeling different types of hardships. Many are suffering, Many are happy, Many are sad and Many are worried.
Even though, everyone is feeling different things.
Though they do not give up.
Giving up makes you loser!
So you need to to face all those difficulties to make your livelihood successful.
For example; when we dig in the wet soil and plant a seed in the ground, it either dies and fails to give you a plant or it grows and gives you a healthy living.

Then that is when said,
' What is soiled is made clean again.'

Simply in a way:
It is a quote referring to your new future,
A path with a clean start , leaving your heavy past behind."


"Who is there?"

"It is me, Evelyn"

"Oh! Thank lord! Where were you? Why did you leave the house?, answer me later... we need to first get outta here,safely."

They tiptoed out of the dark alleyway when they were sure enough that they were gone.
They ran to their home, without taking any breath.
After reaching home, Evelyn collided without saying anything.
Jungkook let her be, knowing that her battery probably died down.
Since he was tired too, so he told himself that he will fix her tomorrow.


A busy afternoon made its way the next day.
Jungkook was rushing here and there along with Gray,
The stall was in no condition
The old man wasn't here today
That's why the whole responsibility of the stall was on jungkook and Gray.
Fortunately they were able to control it when it was at its busiest.

Jungkook bid Gray goodbye, but suddenly Gray called Jungkook back and ran to him panting.
"Remember when I said, to meet me after closing the shop" said Gray
" Oh! Yes what is it that you want to tell me? I almost forgot about it."
"Yeah me too... is it okay if we go somewhere and talk"

They both sat down on a bench, in a park they found nearby.
Gray looked really worried about something.

"What is it, Gray?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Huh! Of course I do....
What happened? Why are you like this?"

"So........ you see ..ummm my dad and me aren't really in good terms.
He's pretty damn rich and treats me as if I'm the former prince!
He tries to be friendly and fatherly to me
But I just cannot.....
I freaking hate him coz I know he's fake and if i try to run away or something,
There's a huge chance of me being dead; coz he literally has tons of men with him, all behind his filthy money.

Amyway what I wanted to talk was about the previous night.
Me and mom were having dinner until he came,
I just got up and went to my room.

But while I was climbing up the stairs,he started talking about something related to killing
He later said that he was looking for someone and that someone was a male who was trained to do something... and all.

And that very soon, he's gonna annihilate everyone here ..... just for fun.
And start anew in this place,with him being King and mom Queen...which is basically him holding power and raising monarchy.
Which is ridiculously insane!

They're planning to soon fire this place off with bombs and along with military arms.
He's literally f***ing crazy!!!!!!
And what terrifies me the most is that he can actually do it....
And it ain't any plan, it's a big mission for him right now.
And what I need from you right now is Help°
We need to secretly evacuate the people living here!

And if cannot..............

We need to get out of this place as soon as we can.

We're in a big danger zone right now!!"

==========end of phase 10=========

Sorry for the late update!
Tnx again for reading the chapter!
Tell me if u hav any doubts abt the story in the comment section
I'll be sure to answer!

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