12. Red'The color of blood'

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Had I not known of what would become of me?

Was I too foolish to understand any signs?

How can I fight; I'm too weak.

             Why Me?

But everyone asks this question, it's not only me right?

Right, It's not the time to give then.



The distant coughs and cries is all I hear
           What happened?
Because all I remember was me passing out the orders and the people patiently waiting in line and listening to the news reporter in the T.V. screen.

When I brought my head up from the ground
I see smokes and ashes in the air
Everything is scattered
I see huge bulky men in their scary looking black attire with their face covered followed by guns and grenades

That time I got to know
That everything what Gray was telling me last night was the 'truth'
And it was 'Him'
I was terrified once again
My traumas are slowly coming back
But I need to keep it in control and search Gray!

Speaking of Gray
Where is he??!!!

I started to panic
I kept my head low,
I didn't want to be captured again
And I started to eye for Gray on the ground
(There he is)
(Lying in the ground, I hope he's alive)-he thought
I made my way quietly towards him cuz he wasn't that far from where I was and was able to reach him
I checked his pulse.
He was breathing
I started to shake him.
"Wake Up! Gray!"
"Hey Wake Up bud!"

His eyes started to flutter open.
"Where am I? What on earth happened?"
"Shhhh! Gray,those men you were talking about last night are here just like you predicted.
They flew off this place.
We need to get out quickly."
"Whattttt!?! They're already here."
"Hush! Gray! You don't want us to get killed now,do you!"
"No! Wait,let them move a bit to the right side of the payment section
We will run from the left side to the back so that they don't see us."


"Aaaaaaa' don't kill me please!....."

"No, I didn't do anything!
Please forgive me
Please don't kill me
I have a family to run please I beg you"

"Take my money, but please let me live."

'All I see is red,'Mother.'

=========End of phase 12========

Here you go😊😉

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