6. Crack

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What can I gain from this petty world, is what they ask?
Furthermore, it gets more intense, while digging into it.
Questions and Questions??
But no actual answers.
Have I ever asked for someone's help for me to be driven away like this.
I, Jeon Jungkook have rights,dreams and goals too.
                     "Don't I?"

Its a very busy evening, running from here to there, passing people's orders.
Its my first day and I'm already sweating.

"Takeaway No.15"
"Takeaway No.15"  i screamed
"Here's your order"
"Thank you!"
"Have a nice day"

At last the night came to an end.
"You did pretty well, Jungkook," said the old man

"Thank you!" Jungkook replied.

"He's pretty young to be working over here! Anyway who's he?"
Said a worker.

"Oh! meet Jungkook, he started working over here from today!
Jungkook meet Gray ,he is working over here from two years now."

"Nice to meet you,I'm jungkook."

"Hmmmm nice to meet you as well, I'm Jackson Gray, but i preferred to be called Gray in short. By the way how old are you? Don't you think you're too young to be working here, instead of doing homeworks."

"Umm, I'm 17 years old. And I'm an orphan , and I'm poor to be in schools."

"Ohh! I'm really sorry , I didnt mean to offend you, anyway cool, keep it up.
I'm 22 years old if you did not know.

Jungkook smiled.

"So friends? Since we're gonna be working for a time" -Gray lended his hand out for a shake.

Jungkook immediately shook it. He was surprised.
It was his first time being asked to be friends.



Evelyn took Jungkook's head in her lap,and a melody erupted from her mouth.
Soon Jungkook found himself falling into a deep slumber.

"Hi, Mother, I got you a surprise."

The son and mother were playing in the garden of their house.

"Oh! Really Jungkook my boy, let's see what you got for me."

The boy opened his hand and a pretty black and white butterfly flew out of it.

The mother exclaimed "How pretty! Thank you Jungkook.It was a beautiful surprise"

The boy giggled as his mother ruffled his hair.

Older Jungkook was watching himself play with his mother from a distance.

Tears formed in his eyes remembering the euphoric moments with his mother.
Before the disastrous scene came in play

Everything cracked like a glass,
He found himself again,in the previous dream,where he survived from the bloody water,the sand,and the beast.

He closed his eyes for some seconds and opened it again to find himself still playing in the garden,but alone,this time.

"Where is mother?"
"She was there just now."

Few minutes later, mother came in running.
She caught me and started to run.
I was oblivious to the situation as always.
I saw her sweaty forehead amd wanted to ask what happened.
But before i could ask, she told me to hide.
We were now in my room, I haven't even noticed until now.
She put me in the closet and closed the door.
Before she could hide.


The door of my room fell on the floor.
And that person was standing there.
That monster, his eyes were red.
As if he was some sort of vampire, with a crazy grin on his face.

He frowned quickly and screamed.

"You crazy Bitch!"

That's all I heard from him, before the scene played, and I couldn't do anything!

-----------end of phase 6----------

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