15. Give Up

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Being courageous takes a lot of effort.

We need to steady our breaths;
Stand up on our two wobbly feet
Fist up our hands
Raise our heads
And shout our motto of living
And fight back!

But unfortunately for me?
It was the total opposite
Telling myself ' I can't '

Without even trying,

(Kills me!)

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An eerie silence made it's way
No more footsteps
No more screams ,

We didn't even notice it became dark already

The only word i had right now in my head chanting was Evelyn!
What must have happened by now!


Peaking a little, saw Gray whispering?

Signalling with his eyes to check what was happening.

From my side , I saw the coast was clear.
We opened the lid of the trashcan slowly and was about to climb off but-

"Where on earth did those two run off too?!"
"Leave them, they won't survive anyway.
Everyone's getting killed .
What makes them think? They'll survive?"
"True, lets head back, and have a feast.
We're getting paid lots anyway!"


Loud laughter was heard , slowly fading away.
This time we climbed off successfully and ran at a full speed towards my 'home'

Well 'Nothing'
When i say nothing;
There's clearly nothing left of what was my called 'home'

Dust! All turned to dust
My heart stopped
No sight of Evelyn either.
What am I supposed to do now?
Gut told me to surrender.
There's no point of fighting anymore.
Till Gray grabbed my shoulder and pushed me towards a corner of the wall.
I slowly saw a tiny head peaking.
My feet responded on its own and took me there without wasting any more time
Hugged her tightly with all my might as if the world's ending and there's no tomorrow left!

I almost gave up! Evelyn!

Thank you

for being alive!

▪▪▪▪▪▪End of phase 15▪▪▪▪▪

The Anonymous Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora