Chapter 3

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Kara's pov

It has been a while since we talked about my identity in my apartment.

I was mostly crying and Lena was just listening all the stories about Krypton and my biological family and then later she asked about the Danvers and how I got to be in their family, how Alex became a part of the DEO and so on.

It felt amazing and also frightening to let anyone this close to me again. Not so many people know this much about Supergirl or even about Kara.

She accepted all of it. She asked a few questions and I could tell she was interested. She wanted to know everything, also she wanted to know my story so she could understand me more.

We talked about our partnership as well.

We agreed that we should get in touch with each other within seconds so she started to wear her brother's old watch which calls me as soon as somebody press the little "S" symbol.

I hear something strange and I know right away where it is from. I fly faster than I have ever been to L-Corp and land on her balcony.

'Lena what happened?' I hear her heart rate being faster than even before

'I find a cure for you' her smile is wide and clear

'Lee, are you kidding me? I though you're in danger or even worst, somebody hurt you already and I won't be able to get here in time!' I was angry about it. I guess we should stand some standards before using the watch as a telefon

'I'm sorry' she says like a child who get caught stealing a cookie before lunch

'It's okay but now on if you want to show me something or want to talk just write to me or call me and I will be as soon as I could, like I always did. Just please next time don't give me a heart attack.' I say with a smile to show her I'm not angry with her I was just scared. 'So show me what you have'

I swear to Rao her face get a little bit red that's when I realise what did I say. Now I'm the one who turns red.

'Uhhm yeah... Anyway... I found a cure for you to be resistant to kryptonite. I know how scared you are about not being able to save me at any cost because of it and I thought if I find a solution not to be able to do harm to you than you wouldn't be as petrified as you are....and I would be less worried for you either... 'Now she was all red again

What's happening here?

In the other hand I was in aww and I feel my eyes getting wet.

'You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I will always come back to you no matter what...' Guess who is turning red now....' B-but thanks for the cure it'll help me a lot I'm sure. So is it a pill, a shout or a chip or... 'with that she injected something into my neck and then kiss the spot where the needle made its way into my skin.

I blush harder than ever before.

I could tell she became more conformable around me. I was afraid to tell her because I thought nothing will be like before and I was right, but I couldn't be happier to be this close to her.

'Here you go. It will need some time to be able to protect you fully so I would be grateful if you could avoid kryptonite for the next 24 hours.' she see my face drops 'What?'

'This means 24 hours of being home and doing nothing or some DEO paperwork. Either way if the kryptonite won't kill me then I will bore to death that's for sure.'

'I have a few things that I should do but after that I could keep you company for the day and also you can stay with me for the night because I'm sure nobody would search for you at a Luthor's house. I mean only if that's work for you... '

' I would like that of course. You are the best I swear to Rao. ' I don't deserve her that's for sure ' But also I have to let Alex know where I will be otherwise she would freak out.'

KARA: Hey, sis!
I'll be with Lena for the next 24 hours because she found a cure for my little green problem and she wants to keep an eye on me

ALEX: Sure she wants to...

KARA: What's that suppose to mean?

ALEX: Nothing just have some fun and be safe. I'll cover for you at the DEO.

KARA: Thanks! I love you!

ALEX: I love you too!

I look up and see that Lena is looking at me and probably were in a last few seconds

'What is it?' I ask confused

'Nothing I was just.... Never mind... So what does Alex said' she asked a little bit scared.

Probably she still thinks that just because she is a Luthor my sister will treat her any other way as a close friend

Although I do blush because of Alex's comment

'Uhhmm.... She said she will cover for me at the DEO and we should have fun' I say with a small smile. 'Would you mind if I wait for you here?'

'Of course not. I' ll be ready in an hour so sit here and feel at home, Sweetie! '

Again what's going on between us?!

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