05 | Manhunt

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  RILEY DIDN'T SLEEP MUCH. She never could fall asleep most nights in the first place, and when she did, it was filled with terrible dreams. Nightmares consumed her during humanity's most peaceful hours of the day every single night. She wished she could control it, but after all the trauma she'd endured thus far, Riley figured that nightmares were just the cost of living in her world.

  Nevertheless, there was something about long drives that always lulled Riley to sleep. She hardly ever had to sit through long drives since she was always flying somewhere in a helicarrier. It relaxing to her—staring out the window, watching the world blur together in a stream of colors. She'd count the clouds in the sky like they were flying sheep until she drifted off to sleep. That always did the trick for her.

  Sitting in the driver's seat of a truck they'd stolen, Steve gripped the steering wheel in his hands firmly. They were on their way to Wheaton, New Jersey to discover what was on that damned flash drive. Steve was eager to learn more about it, though his thoughts were busy with worry. Natasha could sense that he was trying to ignore it.

  From the passenger's seat, Natasha glanced toward the backseat where Riley slept. She hummed fondly. "I don't think I've ever seen her sleep so soundly."

  Steve peered up at Riley's reflection in the rearview mirror. "It's nice," he admitted. "She looks so peaceful, almost like a normal kid."

  "Yeah," Natasha agreed, "you'd never be able to tell how annoying she. She looks like an angel."

  Lightly chuckling, Steve insisted, "Oh, come on. I know how much you care about her." Natasha shot him a skeptical look, which caused him to add, "You two might bicker a lot, but you defend her more than anyone at S.H.I.E.L.D."

  Natasha leaned back into her seat. "Maybe."

  "What's it gonna take for you to admit you actually like the poor kid, hm?" he teased.

  "Maybe a million dollars," she mused. Quiet chuckles filled the car, careful to not awaken the 13-year-old. "No, if I'm being honest... Riley's great. She's family."

  She turned to Steve, who had been proudly smiling. "Was that so hard?" he taunted.

  Natasha just rolled her eyes. "Speaking of the brat, have you picked up on her crush on you, yet?"

  Steve nodded, his smile growing at the thought. He could tell how hard Riley had been trying to suppress her feelings—and failing miserably. It was nice to see that despite everything she'd been through, she could still experience normal things children experienced, such as crushes. It was refreshing.

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