06 | Bucky

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  RILEY WAS A GENIUS. There was no doubt about it. Her plan of securing Sam Wilson's wings and essentially kidnapping Jasper Sitwell was going perfectly in their favor. A newfound glow of confidence enshrouded the teenager. She was never allowed to call the shots, to form the plans, but after Steve decided to give her a chance, Riley felt unstoppable.

  As of now, they were fulfilling the next part of their plan: kidnap and interrogate Jasper Sitwell. They stood on a rooftop with Steve interrogating the HYDRA agent in D.C. Steve grabbed Sitwell, pushing him toward the edge as he demanded, "Tell me about Zola's algorithm."

  "Never heard of it," Sitwell lied. Riley folded her arms as she stood behind Steve and Natasha. Riley made a mental note to never get on Steve's bad side.

  "What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?"

  "I-I was throwing up, I get seasick," Sitwell revealed, very obviously lying through his teeth. Steve grabbed Sitwell by his shirt, holding him over the edge menacingly. "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

  "You're right," confessed Steve. "It's not. It's hers." With that, Steve stepped to the side, allowing Natasha to deliver a swift kick to Sitwell's chest to send him flying off of the rooftop.

  Natasha turned to Steve, rather calm after what she'd done. "Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting? Laura? Lisa—?"

  "Lillian," Steve recalled. "Lip piercing, right?"

  "Yeah, she's cute," Natasha encouraged.

  "And annoying," mumbled Riley, causing Natasha to shoot her a look. "What, I'm just looking out for Steve!"

  Natasha rolled her eyes. "Продолжай говорить себе это, малыш." Keep telling yourself that, kid.

  "I appreciate it, Riley," chimed in Steve. "But about Lillian... Yeah, I'm not ready for that."

  Suddenly, Sam, adorned in his Falcon wings, flew through the skies with a very alive Sitwell. He aggressively threw Sitwell onto the rooftop before landing smoothly. The trio of Avengers marched forward to continue threatening Sitwell, but before either of them could do anything, he raised his arms in defense. Sitwell cowered on the ground and shouted, "Zola's algorithm is a program for choosing Insight's targets!"

  Riley paused. So, Project Insight seemed to be a lie devised by HYDRA, too. "What targets?" snapped Steve.

  "You!" Sitwell nervously reported. "A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City. Uh-uh, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Riley O'Dair, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future."

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