Chapter 36: Trouble Ahead

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I walk onto the plane behind Salena.

Two agents stand in the aisle, blocking everyone's path.

They don't look happy.

"Don't get too comfortable," one of them says. "We have some questions."

They step aside, letting us through.

I put my head down as we pass them. I know what's coming.

We find our seats and look up at the agents. One turns to face us.

"What were you thinking," One begins, "bringing Brains along. We specifically told her she could not go." I feel Dillan glance at me from across the aisle. The agent sighs.

"Which one of you was it?" He asks. I look down. No one responds.

"I said. Which. One of you. Was it?" I look up and see the others pointing at me. I stare at my feet, feeling my face turn red.

I'm such an idiot. Why did I ever think I could get away with taking Salena with us? Even if everything had went well, they still would've seen her by now.

The agent approaches me.

"Loyalty? You, of all people?" He says softly. I look away.

"I-I'm sorry..." I say. "I thought she deserved a chance..." he looks at the other agent, who nods solemnly, then at me.

"Come on now," he says, grabbing my arm.

"Where are we going?..." I ask. He just shakes his head.

We get to the front of the plane, where he shoves a bright red vest into my hand.

"I don't understand..." I say. The agent nods to the vest.

"You will want that on," he says, reaching for the door handle.

The others begin to stand, watching sadly.

Suddenly, everything snaps into place in my mind. I'm holding a parachute.

I'm being kicked from the team.

"No..." I say, "no, please. I need to be here, I need to help them, please.."

"Don't worry, your friend will be flown home safely," the agent says. The other one pushes me forward a bit.


I need this. I need to help others. I need to help my team.

I need to avenge my family.

I can't leave now, not when I'm so close.

I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I-

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Dillan's voice rings out. "CLOSE THAT DOOR AND LISTEN TO ME!" I look over and see him. He's halfway down the aisle, coming towards us, a half scary, half desperate look on his face.

The agent pulls the door closed.

"Last words you want to say to Miss Ballestri?" He asks. Dillan shakes his head.

"No, but I do have some things I want to say to you. Yes, Loyalty may have let Salena come with us against orders, and yes, things might have gone wrong, but you had to have seen what happened out there."

"And what happened, Courage?" The agent says.

Dillan grabs my shoulder and pulls me close to him, surprising me. I stumble into him.

"This girl," he starts, "is the quickest thinker I've ever seen. She came up with a plan on the spot and executed it, putting her trust in us completely. Because of her, we were able to complete the mission and get the last two guys. And she didn't betray her team, she helped her teammate achieve her goal. Salena wanted to come with us more than anything, Loyalty just happened to be the one to let her. Don't be too harsh to her, you won't find anyone better. I promise you that."

The agents pause, considering his words. One of them takes the vest from me angrily and points to the back of the plane. Carefully, Dillan leads me to the seat next to his. We sit down.

"Thanks," I mutter.

"I wasn't about to see you go like that," he says.

"Did you mean what you said?" I ask.

"Which part? I mean, yeah, I did mean all of it."

"You really think that they can't find anyone better me?" I ask. He chuckles.

"I do think that you're irreplaceable," he says. "I mean, look what you've done for Brains. She's so... different around you. And you've helped both me and Heneya through stuff. Besides, you kill it in combat... literally. So yeah, I don't think they can find anyone better for this team." He pauses. I look down, attempting to hide my smile.

Then, I feel his soft breath in my hair.

"Or for me," he says, his lips brushing gently against my ear.

Without thinking, I turn quickly towards him, my nose barely touching his. He smiles and chuckles, just a little, and leans even closer.

My desire in this moment is unmatched. All I want to do is lean into him, my lips crashing into his like waves against the shore.

But I sit there.

And wait.

Like an idiot.

He sighs and leans forward, past my head.

"Later," he whispers. I nod, and he embraces me.

"I'm glad you're okay," he says. "I thought you were gonna die."

I think.

"I highly doubt I'd die if I used a parachute," I say.

"Not then, stupid," he says, laughing a little. "I meant... in the yard, when those guys had you at gunpoint... I was so scared. I was so damn scared..." I hear his breaths get heavier.

"Shhhh, it's okay," I say, "don't do that, Dillan. I'm okay... thanks to you."

His breathing relaxes as he grips me tighter.

I let all my worries go.

Even if the agents don't, someone wants me here.

Someone cares for me, even after everything I've done wrong.

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