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The events that I do remember from my wedding night are limited. I remember Bella calling me to see how I looked in my dress and wishing me a happy day, I remember Emmett being the one to walk me down the aisle, and I remember my vows at the altar. I also remember being so petrified that I was going to mess up at some point, so I nearly chewed a hole through my cheek. I remember drinking at the last leg of the reception and then everything after that was a giant blur.

I woke to Carlisle gently shaking me out of my sleep, I sat up quickly and looked around, "Where am I?"

He laughed lightly, "We're back home. Bella and Edward are rushing back because of a possible medical emergency. I'm sorry, love."

Still half asleep, I smiled, "Don't be sorry, family above all."

"I love you," he breathed and kissed my forehead. "I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" I stretched out my arms and my shirt came way above my stomach.

He walked over to his bedroom door and opened it. Dakota came bolting and jumped up on the bed so that she could lick my face and get attention from me. "My baby!" I cheered and scratched behind her ears.

Carlisle returned to me and even pet Dakota when she sniffed his hand. "Thank you," I smiled and kissed him.

"Of course, why keep her away?" He questioned.

"I didn't know if you guys would be wildly annoyed by an animal walking about the house," I shrugged and hugged her as she laid on top of me.

"They actually seem to enjoy her, Emmett was playing with her this morning," he explained.

"She's so happy," I giggled as she rested her chin on my chest.

"I'm sure she'll benefit not only you, but Bella, too."

"What happened to her?"

He sighed, "She called this morning and said that she thought she was pregnant."

"Is that even possible?" I questioned.

"I didn't think so before now," he frowned.

"I can help you research anything, I have an insane word per minute ratio."

"Thank you," he kissed me, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Just then he received another phone call, his voice sounded strained, I truly felt bad for him. I wasn't concerned with myself, only him. Once he ended the call, he got out of bed. "They're here."

"I'll come down with you," I patted Dakota's bum and she jumped off of the bed, allowing me to stand. For the first time in my life, I had a headache following drinking. "I need water," I noted out loud.

"You are rather dehydrated," he agreed.

"How can you tell?" I questioned.

"Your blood isn't running through your veins as quickly as usual."

"That is both creepy and impressive," I nodded.

He laughed lightly, but his laughs were becoming more of a cover up. I clasped our hands together as we waited for the two to come up the stairs, hoping to provide comfort for him. Bella looked off when she appeared at the top of the stairs. There was a definite increase in abdominal size and her posture was more hunched over as though she was in pain. Carlisle took her downstairs and Rosalie followed quickly behind. I stayed upstairs and cooked myself something to eat while I gave him space to work.

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