4- Don't Always Need Friends To Have A Blast

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While my friends were probably already on their way to the wonderful Florida, I was enjoying my sweet waffles in the glory of my own home. I had to start on my diet pretty soon but it couldn't hurt to have a few scrumptious waffles just I started, right?

Once I was done with my waffles, I rinsed my plate and put it in the dishwasher. As I wandered around the house, looking for something to do, I heard Lisa singing inside her room. Her voice always made me so happy because she had such a unique voice and she could hit high notes as easily as repeating the alphabet.

"Good morning, Lisa!" I cried out as I entered her room.

"Morning. Want to go out today?" she replied as she stopped singing and made her way to her wardrobe.

"Sure, where?" I shrugged. I could use a bit of sunshine to tan my skin. After all, it was summer and you just couldn't go around without a good tan.

"How about we just stay indoors and do some shopping?" Lisa suggested. So much for wanting to get out in the sun.

"Cool, sounds good. When do you want to go? Oh, and who else is coming with us?" I asked.

"Ask everyone else if they want to come. We'll go when they're ready" I nodded and left Lisa by herself to look for an outfit for today's shopping spree. I went downstairs and found Amy huddled up in the couch with the book, Allegiant, in her hands.

"Hey, Amy! Do you want to come shopping with Lisa and I? We're going as soon as everyone's ready."

"No, I need to read this. It's so interesting and, oh my gosh, Tobias is such an amazing character!" Amy squealed. I mumbled an "okay" and got out of the living room before Amy started a whole rant on Tobias Eaton. Sure, he was my favourite character too but I had had enough with books and now I was ready for some serious shopping.

I walked down to the kitchen to see Dani, Christina and Katherine engrossed in a private conversation.

"Ahem, excuse me for interrupting but Lisa and I are going shopping soon and she wanted me to ask if you guys wanted to come," I stated.

"No," Christina replied almost immediately.

"Sure," Dani and Katherine said together.

I smiled at how eager Dani and Katherine were about going shopping since they went up to their rooms straight away to get ready.

"Why don't you want to come, Christina?" I asked, making small talk.

"I don't feel like it. I'd rather just stay home and watch some TV or something," she replied in a tired voice.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern coating my voice.

"I don't want to talk about it, alright?" Christina said as she sighed dramatically and left the kitchen with a glass of water in her hands.

I walked out of the kitchen from the other side and wondered what could possibly be going on in Christina's mind. I knew she wasn't just tired like she told me she was. There was definitely something more to it.

I shook my head and went up to my room to get ready myself. If Christina wanted to talk to me about what was going on, she would. We were pretty close anyway and sometimes we shared secrets that not even any of my other sisters knew.

There was a certain sense of relief you felt when someone told you secrets that you knew they wouldn't tell anyone else. It was a sort of feeling that made you feel like you belonged and that they actually knew you existed and they cared. I liked feeling like I mattered in peoples' lives.


After my quick shower, I got dressed into a demure floral crop top from Forever 21 with blue denim shorts and a flannel tied around my waist. These days I was obsessed with the 'flannel around waist' look. I grabbed my brown, leather backpack as well and stuffed my wallet and phone in there, planning to also grab a bottle of water and put that in my bag as well. I hated it when I was thirsty in a shopping mall and I had to pay a lot of money for just one bottle of water. Seriously though, water was a natural resource, so why couldn't it just come for free?

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