15- Florida, I'm Coming For You!

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"Don't you think this is all escalating too fast?"

"You've only known him for a month!"

"How have you both already said 'I love you' to each other in just one month?"

"Clearly it's not love, it's an obsession! I'm sorry Lauren, but we don't have a good feeling about this. I mean, how well do you even really know him?"

Dani, Lisa, Kath, and Amy. The four sisters who I thought were going to be supportive of me going to Florida with James but were instead roasting me for no reason. Yes, this love story might have seemed to be going a little faster than expected from the outside, but on the inside, it felt completely right. After all, no one's story was ever the same as anyone else's. And clearly, it was love. The kind of love that made you look forward to getting out of bed every morning; the kind of love that made you look at the world with a whole new perspective. In terms of how well I knew him, I could've easily received a 100% if I were to ever take a test on him, as crazy as that sounded. I felt perfectly safe with James. I always have and there was never any doubt about that. Well, of course except for that one time he hit me with a cupcake tray, but that was nothing. So, why couldn't my sisters accept this? What was their problem?

"Guys, if mum and dad are miraculously okay with it, then what's the problem? I'll be fine!" I said.

"See, that's what's freaking me out! Only a sociopath could've changed their mind! He is so overly charming, like a sociopath, why can't you see that?!" Lisa exclaimed. She clearly seemed passionate about this whole topic as her arms were flailing around everywhere. It was kind of annoying actually. I was surprised she hadn't knocked off anything from my bedside table yet.

"Look Lauren, all we want is for you to be happy and safe. Maybe you should give this some more thought. If I were you, I would wait much longer before going all the way to somewhere like Florida with him alone. Go on a walk, and really think things through," Kath advised as she organised my dresser. She had a habit of organising things wherever she went, even if it wasn't her stuff.

"Kath please, I didn't ask what you would do if you were in my position. I'm leaving tomorrow and that's final. Now, if you don't mind, I have some packing to do," I stated sternly.

Amy sighed. "Well I guess there's nothing we can say now since you're not willing to change your mind". With that, they all left my room.

"It's only 3 nights!" I yelled as I grabbed my suitcase.

Of those 3 nights, I was hoping to meet up with the girls at Jayde's beach house. I had already informed her that I was coming to Florida and she honestly seemed more excited than me. I smiled, looking at her spam of messages once again, all in caps and heart eye emojis.

I turned off my phone and stood in front of my closet. What was I going to pack? I had no idea, and there was no way I could ask the girls for help. Lately, Christina and I seemed to be distancing ourselves from one another even more. So much that she wasn't even aware that I was going away for a few nights. It hurt me that I couldn't bring myself to speak to her, but it hurt even more that I couldn't bear the thought of her leaving soon. I blinked away the tears that were starting to form and glanced at what I had in my closet. Surely I had some decent, cute clothes for sunny Florida?


"I'll pick you up at 11. It should take about an hour to get to the airport. Be ready!"

"I'm already ready," I said with a smile. "I can't wait, James. This is probably the best summer I've ever had".

"Probably? Ouch, how do I make that a certain 'best summer you've ever had'?" James laughed.

"I'm sure you will, soon enough. Anyways, I'll see you later!" And with that, we hung up. The time on my phone read 10:02am. I had about an hour before he arrived. What was I going to do in that hour? Read a book? Nah. Watch some TV? Nah. Day dream about Florida? Now that seemed like a better option.

I barely got any sleep last night. The excitement of going to Florida with James alone was exhilarating. It almost felt like I was going on a honeymoon. Actually, where would we go for our honeymoon?

"Earth to Lauren! What are you thinking about now? Your wedding?" Dani sneered.

"Please, at least I have a boyfriend," I remarked. She rolled her eyes at me and left without saying another word.

"Honey, you should eat something before you go. And make sure you eat something before you get on the plane! Do I need to remind you how horrible the airplane food is?" Mum said with a laugh.

Speaking of eating, my diet had really been working. I was looking much healthier than before and I was finally at a place where I felt happy with the way I looked. Dani thought I was on this diet to impress James, but it was really just about feeling happy with myself. It had nothing to do with James. After all, dieting to impress someone was silly and unhealthy, and luckily, I knew that.

I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and a jar of peanut butter from the pantry. My favourite go-to snack was some peanut butter and banana on toast. I mean, how could anyone not love peanut butter?

"Lauren, remember what we told you. Keep your phone with you at all times, stay with James at all times, and call home every few hours. Okay, maybe that's gone too far. Call us every night, okay?" Dad asked. I smiled, knowing that my parents' over-protective side would never leave me behind.

"Yes, sir!" I laughed.

"Good. And most importantly, have fun!"

I nodded as I grabbed a bite of my toast. My phone made that familiar new text message sound, and I immediately glanced over at it, hoping for it to be James.


'Gosh, she's absolutely crazy', I thought to myself as I reacted to the message with a "ha ha".

Florida was going to be amazing. Seeing my friends and getting to spend even more time with James? My life was complete. In a way, it felt as if it had just officially begun.


A.N.- HI EVERYONE!!! Who still reads this? Hahah, it's been so many years! I can't believe it took a pandemic to find the time to continue writing. Hope you're all staying safe and healthy.

So much has changed in these few years. In fact, my writing skills have gone downhill since my last chapter, oops

If you guys still want me to continue writing this story (let me know in the comments!), I am more than happy to continue, since I have quite a bit of time on my hands.

Can't wait to hear from you! (if anyone's even reading this, lmao)


I'm A Mess || l.cNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ