7- The Way My Heart Is Pounding

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A new day meant a new start and that meant forgetting about Angela and starting fresh with no negativity to bring me down. I smiled to myself as I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see that Kath was making eggs on toast for everyone.

"Want some help? I'm feeling really good and helpful today," I cheered.

"Why, sure dear!" Kath replied. I smiled once again and got to work as I put in two breads into the toaster and poured out orange and mango juice into six glasses.

"Here's another egg! Come and get it, whoever wants it!" Kath called out as she carefully transferred the egg onto a plate. At the same moment, the toasts popped up and I quickly grabbed them, buttered them and put them on the plate.

"That one's mine," Dani said as she came and sat down onto the table.

"I don't see your name on it," I stated as I pretended to search for Dani's name on the plate.

"Well, it would sure be written in blood if you don't give it to me," Dani replied smoothly.

"And then your breakfast would be ruined because who likes blood on their breakfast?" Lisa questioned jokingly as she strolled into the kitchen wearing her leopard print muscle tee and black skinny jeans.

"No one, that's who," Lisa replied to herself.

"Whatever. So, what are we all doing today?" Dani asked.

"Well, we should probably go to the grocery store to stock up on food for the rest of the summer," Lisa answered. "Oh, and Dani, don't go hanging out with boys again who give you a whole chicken just because, one, they gave you chicken and two, they're cute. Never trust guys that give you a whole, raw chicken because you never know what they're like."

"But the guy didn't just give me chicken. He gave me balloons as well!"

"I don't care!"


Once breakfast was over, I went up to my room to get changed. We were just going to the grocery store so I didn't really care much about my outfit as a casual top and shorts would work just fine. I took out my, well technically Dani's, dark green top that said 'dweeb' written across it from my closet. I then opened up my 'bottoms' drawer where I kept things such as shorts, skirts and jeans, and took out my light wash denim shorts. As I thought about my outfit again, I decided to grab a green plaid shirt to tie around my waist and a beanie since my hair was getting a little oily and I didn't have the time to wash it right now.

After getting dressed I put on a bit of mascara and then I was done.

"I'm ready, I'm ready, to do some grocery shopping!" I sang as I walked down the stairs and waited at the front door for everyone.

"Cute," Dani commented on my outfit as she came down a minute later. "I wonder whose shirt that is because it sure looks amazing as heck!"

"Oh, shut up! It was in my closet anyway so ha!" I remarked.

"Sure, but you stole it off me and it's still mine!"

"No, you left it in my room by accident and anything that's left in my room for more than two days is officially mine!" I argued.

"You're so greedy. Wait until you have no more clothes left!"

"Girls, girls, girls! What's going on?" Katherine asked as she joined us at the front door. I waited for Dani to say something along the lines of "she started it!" or "she stole my top!" but she said nothing as she continued to stare at me as if she was planning a murder.

"Stop looking at me like that, you creep!" I snapped. Then, Dani did the most random thing that creeped me out even more. She smiled at me. Smiled at me when she was clearly angry with me.

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