8- Every Time He Looks At Me

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I woke up with a funny feeling in my stomach. Confused, I thought about what had happened yesterday and then the memories came rushing in. I was meeting up with a guy I had met at the grocery store this afternoon! It sounded a little silly, but it really wasn't. My whole summer could change if things turned out great with James.

"Wake up, loser! Eat your breakfast, get changed and meet us at the treehouse. Christina has some important news, apparently," Dani explained as she walked into my room, eating a chocolate chip cookie.

"I'm not eating breakfast. What's wrong with Christina, anyway? I'm really worried about her," I replied. The possibilities were endless. She could have broken up with Nick or maybe someone said something mean to her and she couldn't stop thinking about it. Or maybe, and this was the worst thing I could think of, maybe she was depressed. I couldn't imagine my joyful and sweet sister being depressed, but it was definitely a possibility. I was afraid to come face-to-face with the truth.

"Okay, I probably shouldn't have told you that. Just please, eat your breakfast. Take your time, no rush!" Dani said as she walked away. I wasn't in the mood for breakfast.


Without having breakfast, I took a shower and got ready to meet my sisters at the treehouse which was our usual meeting spot. I went outside and climbed up the tree, spotting Christina, Katherine and Lisa who were already in the treehouse.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked as I sat down in a comfortable position.

"They're coming," Lisa stated quietly.

"Okay, can you please tell me if this is some really bad news so I can prepare myself?" I asked nervously.

"It's nothing bad. There's nothing to worry about," Christina reassured me.

"Then what's the matter?" I asked impatiently. So she probably wasn't depressed or anything like that but still, what made her seem so upset a few days ago? Was that even a part of what Christina was going to tell us today?

"Hey, guys!" Amy called out as she climbed up and sat down. "Dani's right behind me."

Once everyone was here, we all waited silently for Christina to speak.

"Guys," Christina started. This was it. This was the moment where I would finally know everything. "Nick proposed." What?! What was she so upset about?

I waited for everyone as they cheered and went to hug Christina. She wasn't looking so happy.

"What are you so upset about, then?" I asked after the madness died down.

"Um, the thing is..."

"Did you say 'yes'?" Amy asked. She looked so excited about Nick proposing to Christina that she missed how miserable Christina was looking.

"Yeah, I did but I don't know how I feel about all of this. I feel like everything is happening too fast between the both of us and I was hoping that Nick would propose at around the end of the year. He also wants me to move in with him and I don't want to leave all of you guys, my own family, behind so early," Christina explained with tears in her eyes.

"Oh," Lisa said. "Well, maybe you can talk to him about how you're not so ready to move in and get married so quickly. Talk to him about taking a bit more time and then really thinking things through."

"I do want to marry him, Lisa. I just don't know if the timing is right," Christina replied.

"It's clear that you two love each other. Just talk about how you feel that the timing isn't right and then work your way through there," Kath advised.

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