I Hate This

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Chapter 02: I Hate This

January - 2011

Stiles and Scott were stumbling through the preserve, searching for something. Stiles had heard his father go out on a call while he was asleep. Jessica, Derek and Cora were at their own house, but Jessica still had her room and bathroom at home. Stiles had been caught by their father and sent home, Scott had gotten left behind. That was the night that Scott was bitten by Peter. Noah had sent Stiles home, but knowing Stiles he'd also warned Jessica that she could expect a nightly visitor.

"Stiles? What are you doing here?" Jessica yawned, opening her door to Stiles standing at her front door.

"I...I uh was..." Stiles stuttered, Jessica folded her arms and looked pointedly at him.

"You were in the preserve, and dad got you?" Jessica guessed, Stiles nodded sheepishly as she rolled her eyes and motioned for him to get inside. "Jordan's there too,"

"Can I come in?" Stiles mumbled, not realising that she'd literally just motioned for him to do it.

"Get inside, have a shower you still have clothes here. You can sleep on the couch," Jessica told him before heading back to bed. "And Stiles, don't go anywhere,"

"Yes Jess," Stiles muttered heading to the linen closet where he had a section of one shelf with clothes.

The next day he and Scott went back into the preserve, this time stumbling across Derek. Derek telling them to keep out as it was private property. Stiles stared at Derek as the older man tossed Scott's inhaler at them before walking off. What was Derek doing in the preserve? Stiles headed to Jessica's house but found she wasn't there, neither was Cora, Derek or Jordan.

Jessica was out in the preserve with Derek, they'd gone to the Hale House to have a look around to find the Alpha that had killed Laura. Derek hadn't wanted to and Cora had decided that she needed to get away for a while so she'd gone away. Jessica sat on the steps of the house waiting for Derek to return.

"Did they buy it?" Jessica questioned once Derek was back at the steps. "Sit down a minute , I know that look," Jessica motioned for him to join on her on the step with the annoyed look that seemed like it was permanently on his face.

"This is my face," Derek shrugged, with a half a smile before she poked him as he unsteadily sat down beside her. "They'll be back, Scott was just confused. And Stiles I heard him telling Scott who I was," The unsteadiness coming from not being used to the new leg.

"Seriously...so what I did it worked?" Jessica raised her eyebrow, Stiles and Derek had asked if there was a way that Jessica could make Scott's memory of who Derek was a little foggy.

"Yeah, what you and Deaton did worked,"

Present day – 2013

"You with us kiddo?" Jessica asked, running a hand through Stiles hair as he put his head back on her shoulder. Stiles nodded, he didn't want to move from in Jessica's arms, they were comfortable.

"Breakfast's ready," Scott called from the kitchen, forcing Jessica and Stiles to their feet.

"Here," Derek handed Jessica her coffee while leaning against the counter, before he slowly made his way over and joined them only spilling his coffee slightly as he sat down.

"Thanks Der, I'll clean it up later," Jessica grinned lifting the coffee to her mouth and savouring the first mouthful. "What's the plan for today?"

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