Chapter 05: A Possible Break

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Chapter 05: A Possible Break

November 2011

Jessica jumped as she felt Stiles curl into her side, she'd been out of town on and off for the past two months getting updates periodically from her father and Derek about what was happening. Jessica pulled him close and wrapped her arms around him watching as the others traipsed into her house. It wasn't unusual for them to congregate there.

"You okay little brother?" Jessica asked quietly as Stiles got closer and rested his head against her shoulder shaking it at the same time. "Do you want to stay here?" Stiles nodded into her shoulder, only glancing up when he felt Scott sit down on the other side of Jessica. "Come here, Scotty,"

"Jess..." Scott trailed off as he put his head on her shoulder and she moved one of her arms from around Stiles and pulled him close to her as well.

"That's it pack sleepover tonight, everyone in one place," Jessica said before kissing both Scott and Stiles on the top of the head and glancing around the room at the sombre teenagers.

Both teenagers sniffled, before Jessica found herself with Isaac sitting on the floor at her feet and Derek worming his way in behind her. Jessica looked behind her and came face to face with Derek's head as he'd managed to turn the futon into a bed. Stiles and Scott felt the change and both of them collapsed backwards, Stiles narrowly missing Derek's stump.

Scott moved slightly and pulled Isaac up onto the futon with them while Lydia and Kira curled up next to one another on the other lounge. Jessica nodded to Isaac that it was okay and the tall lanky teen sat beside her where Scott had previously been. He tried to compartmentalise like Chris had been doing, but he was teenager, teenagers just didn't have it in them to do that.

"If you need to cry, cry. What you all just went through, no one should ever have to go through," Jessica said before she gently wrapped her arms around Isaac, she knew about how fragile he could be at times. Isaac mumbled before eventually breaking down in her arms.

"She's..." Both Scott and Isaac mumbled at the same time, Scott into a cushion that Derek had handed him and Isaac into her shoulder. Stiles was all snot and tears running down his face as he clambered backwards into Derek.

"I know, just let it out," Jessica rubbed Isaac's back as she glanced over to Lydia and Kira before she motioned for the two girls to join them. "Lydia, Kira," Isaac stayed as close as he could to Jessica while Lydia and Kira moved from where they were and joined everyone on the futon.

"She's really gone..." Lydia choked out as Jessica wrapped an arm around the younger girl and hugged her tightly. Kira who hadn't known Allison like the others didn't know what to do but sit and try to comfort them.

"She maybe gone but she's never forgotten. She'll always be with you all," Jessica told them quietly, words that would be repeated by Lydia when they signed the bookshelf the following year. "Der, what do we do?" Her voice was barely above a whisper so he heard it and if Scott and Isaac did they didn't show it.

Derek simply wrapped his arms around her and around Isaac at the same time as Lydia was hugged by Scott and Stiles. Isaac was still in Jessica's arms as the tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped onto his shirt. Scott's shirt was in the same condition, wet. Stiles was distraught believing it was all his fault that everything happened.

Present day – 2013

Friday lunchtime, Derek and Jessica returned to Beacon Hills with Stiles, Isaac and Cora waiting for them outside the house. Stiles had insisted they wait outside because he wanted to see his sister before they made it into the house. He, Isaac and Cora had already talked about the dream he'd had as Scott hadn't stayed the night.

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