Chapter 08: And They Burn

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Chapter 08: And They Burn

July 2005

Jessica, Stiles and Cora walked hand in hand into Beacon Hills Memorial, she was taking them into see Derek who was healing much slower than what Cora had. Laura had gone to New York briefly trying to decide if that's where they were going to live after everything. Jessica kept a firm hold of both of their hands as Cora moved to race to Derek's side.

"Core, you still have to go easy on Derek," Jessica reminded her, pulling her back slightly as she crouched down before her and Stiles.

"I know...but he's strong like me," Cora muttered, she didn't like being reminded that her big brother wasn't back to normal yet.

"Stiles, I know you don't like being here...I think Melissa said that Scott was here so how about you go find him?" Stiles nodded and quickly wrapped his arms around Jessica and hugged her tightly. "Go on, I'll come find you when its time to leave," Jessica smiled at him kissing the top of his head as he let go of her.

"Promise?" Stiles questioned looking between Jessica and Cora and then over at Derek in the bed. Jessica nodded and glanced over to Derek while still holding Cora's hand.

"Hey Stiles," Derek yawned sleepily from where he was in the bed having just woken up.

"Hi," Stiles muttered before he was walking backwards from the room and wandering down the hallway to the nurses station to see if Melissa could take him to Scott.

Derek watched as Stiles disappeared out the door before Jessica and Cora were taking up his line of sight. Cora just wanted to jump on the bed but was stopped Jessica who near forced her to sit in the chair. Derek looked at both of them and offered a sleepy smile. Cora grinned and grabbed his hand while Jessica sat on the bed.

"Hey Der," Jessica smiled at him before she was helping him move the bed to a sitting position.

"Hey, when are they going to let me out of here?" Derek questioned, leaning forward grabbing Cora and pulling her close to him for a hug.

"Dad's going to talk to the doctors after his shift today," Jessica answered, hugging the two of them as Cora started to squirm being squished. "Get used to this kiddo," Jessica stuck her tongue out at Cora.

"Sheriff Stilinski said we can call him Noah," Cora announced suddenly as she remembered the conversation from breakfast that morning. "He's getting annoyed by Sheriff,"

"Really?" Derek raised his eyebrow to both Cora's statement and what Jessica had said.

"Yeah, he knows he can never take the place of your mom and dad," Jessica told him, Cora whimpered at the mention of their parents and snuggled closer to Derek. "Hey, it's okay to be sad you know that,"Jessica sighed and pulled Cora to her to let Derek breathe a little easier than having Cora near crushing his chest.

"So...he wants us to call him Noah. I think I can manage that," Derek mumbled as Cora put her hand on where Derek's right leg and drew on the pain. "Thanks Core,"

Stiles raced back into the room and launched himself at Jessica as Scott was at home due to having a cold and Melissa didn't want him getting any of the patients any sicker. Jessica held on to Stiles as he mumbled that he wanted to go home that the hospital was scary before he spoke a little louder with something to say to Derek.

"There's a girl...with strawberry blonde hair at school...her names Lydia Martin," Stiles' voice was quiet but he knew that the older boy could hear him, Cora and Laura had told him what they were as long as he it secret. "She's the prettiest to Cora and Jess and Laura," Cora giggled at the thought of Stiles calling her pretty.

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