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The Suns rises upon the horizon spreading warmth throughout the landscape. The creatures of the dark scurried into their shells away from the piercing light while other beings sung praises to their Gods for another attempt to create another day worth living. However, not all entities are be-loving to the Suns. Many cursed it to never rise again and many more to throw rocks into the sky, hoping for a chance to knock it out of existence. 

To one, a day may be perceived as a continuation of their lives to do whatever they want or to adventure something new in their lives. May it be farming, spending time with their loved-ones or continue running their storefront to make their ends meet. The lives of those who are happy are but a simple one filled with predictable tasks. But to one who's lives are more chaotic, a day may be perceived as the Gods' laughing in the face of all to suffer for another which led them to believe that the land they walk is the hell of one's heaven.

Thus, conflicts were risen for reasons of many. Be it for greed or jealousy, one can always promise that the works of their divine faith are the causes of every dispute. This was the case for the war between the two largest bodies of faith whose beliefs were tested by the other. One which was truly earned the title of its own timeline to be the Period of Hostility in which encumbered the world with 140 long years of blood baths if parties of the two faith ever meet. The people of the two faiths would never back down despite the losses. In fact, their losses would only serve to strengthen their cause even more of who's deity are ones who wrote history. As all things, it would all come to an end. But not from compromise, instead from the dwindling numbers of both parties to the point where new generations have limited knowledge of the matter to cause an uproar. However, folk tales, songs, passages and lies were able to root a fraction of the hostility of what was once a brutal time. Although wars were ultimately absent between the two, the resentment still remains.

Throughout time, it was about whose faith that wrote the face of the past. The stories of creation by their God were the true capsules of the gifts they had today and it is the only capsules to explain what they have now. There may be one true tale of the past creation, maybe more than one faith holds the truth, or even none that possess the true history of the world. However, clouded by the sea of tales that exists in this world, the truth may be lost among the chaos.

But one is of fortune to have a God who cares not of the past and not but the Gods, the Gods of the people and the Gods for their craft, the Gods for all power and the Gods for their worship, the Gods of beginning and the Gods of all Gods. The God is the truer only if they show care for follower, the God proves nothing till they show care for follower, the God is a leader not till they show care for follower, the believes his followers show care for follower.

So destined to be the martyr of such wisdom, he bestowed them the gift to prove the God of true worship. May it to take or to push away their choice is not, for there is only one true path that will bestow upon them.

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