Chapter 3 - Descension

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When the darkness nests lay front shafts your vision,

It is never lest haste fuels your decision.

The pride of one's joy and spirit should never falter 

The passion of one through darkness they endure.

As the light slowly dissipate, I was left with my body laying down and my eyes shut with fear. I don't know if I should open them or not, but I didn't have a choice. My body is paralysed with fear that not a muscle in my body was in my control.  The only thing I can feel is a soft gentle breeze against my face as if a light caress on my cheek. As my mind clears itself of the echoes that reverberated through my head, what replaces them instead are the whispers of the breeze whistling across my ears. I don't know what is around me, but the messages I got so far is giving me the courage to lift a weight off my body.

My hand twitches a few times and my eyes followed. But then, a strong stench jabs itself all the way up my nose. The smell was so strong, my nose irks up, my eyelids perked up and my hand immediately reaches to cover my face. A calm and gentle breeze in my head turned to a strong need to expel all the poison out of my body. I cough and cough again against the repulsive smell that lingers in my nose. After my coughing fit, my eyes refocused to a bright blue scene followed by two even brighter white circles burning away my vision. I look away and protect myself with my arm. My body finally loosened itself and I sat up.

What comes before my eyes was a sight that felt like a punch straight through my head.

The horizon is near and the cloud thickens the further I look onward. The ground lays barren with sparse small pines of green sticking out. The land was clear except for large tall brown pillars that looks collapsed. This is a good sign.

As I explored the area with my eyes, I got off the table without realising my body is moving on its own. Then, a loud thump surprises me beneath me. I snap awake from being hypnotised by the landscape and flick my eyes downwards. There lay before me was a big white round object laying on the ground. On it is an oval shape insignia outlined in gold. I went to pick it up without a thought and find out it was surprisingly light. The material had a really fine feel to it with every stroke of my hand against the soft and silky material. I shake the thing gently and not a sound emitted. I shake again, this time even rougher, and yet again nothing. Then I noticed this small opening on it. I peer inside first and nothing but pitch blackness lay before me. I then stuck my hand into it, and then both hands. With my hands, I pry the hole open and finally I could see inside.

At first look, I could see many mysterious objects. I turned the whole thing upside down and spray the content onto the table. All that fell out of it are; a small white fat things that clinked when it fell on the table, five bright red and slightly yellowish balls, a long white squishy tube-shaped thing, a big white silky piece of material, and the big and thick shimmering square thing outlined in gold.

I have no idea what all these are and what they do.

I first picked up one of the red balls and examine it closely. It's light and feels solid. The surface is smooth and waxy all around and has a small brown stick poking out. Then, I loosen my grip and my fingers slips sending the red ball straight down on the ground. It bounces once and left a soft thump against the ground and rolled away from me. I just stare at it for a while before it stop in its track a few distance away. Too lazy to go grab it, I look at the other items in the pile.

I grab the long squishy tube and hold it up in front of me. It is heavy and very hard to hold onto with the amount of jiggle it had whenever I try to hold a different part of it. It has a small string wrapped around the tip. I pulled the string apart and the whole thing flop to the side pouring out this clear and sparkling thing out all over me. I quickly jerk backwards as it continues to pour out all over the floor. I am panicking, so I threw the thing onto the table and walk back as it continues to spew a constant flow of this fluid everywhere. The flow does not seem to be stopping. But it does not seem to be doing anything other than this. The whole ground was gooey and squishy now. As I step forward, my feet are coated with a thick brown layer of rough and sticky stuff. I pick the thing up again and hold it up, stopping the flow completely then wrapping it up again with the thread tightly.

I left quite a mess below my feet with a body of brown and sticky gunk left around me. It doesn't bother me, however, as I continue to rummage through and picked up the the clinky ball. Again, it has a thread wrapped around a tip. But this time I held it out as far as possible from me before unwrapping it. The tie is loose and the tip is opened. I slowly turn it sideways to see what falls from inside it, and out comes a flow of glistening, shiny, small pieces of disk-shaped things that scatter around the table and ground. I pick one of the disk up and examine it closely. It is a simple flat disk made of a hard material. It shimmers under the sunlight a reflective gold and feels very heavy for a small object. Yet, it looks like the most valuable thing among all the items. With that, I picked all of it up back into the pouch and wrap it back up tightly.

Next, is the thin square piece of soft and silky material. As I hold it up, the whole thing flops down and unravels down to form a large face of white material flapping away. The more I look at it, the more I'm confused on what is the purpose of this. It's very nice to the touch and it's very light. But that's about it, so I tossed it to the side.

Lastly, the big square thing. The more I look at it, the more ominous it looks as if there is an energy emitting from it that just spells power. Its golden outline flares against my vision as if pulling me into it. My hearing begin to fuzz as my eyes becomes more fixated on this tome full of knowledge about Libertas and his travels as a missionary himself and all of the events that led him up to be elected as a God. My hearing returns to normal and I snap back, looking around me confused as to what had happened. I then put my hands around it while preparing to put my back into it. I jerk my body up and found myself lost as I'm sent into a feeling of weightlessness. The sky seemed to have curtained down the horizon and my vision is full of blue. A loud thud punched through my back then my head and I'm left with a black vision and an excruciating pain on my back and head.

I sit up with the tome in my arm while caressing my head. It was lighter than I thought. I get back on my legs and examined the tome closely. As my eyes focused on the on the cover of the tome, the details of every intricate etching standing out and adding on to the beauty of this book. I slowly pull open the cover revealing the pages of the book. My eyes lights up and my eyebrows raised. The pages are all blank.

I don't understand. The one thing that can help me understand the world that I'm oblivious to is lay blank before me. I slam the book shut and throw it on the table. My mind immediately enters a blur and a sharp pain jabbed into the side of my head. My vision returns and I'm left confused as to what happened. I stared at the big brown square again. I don't remember what happened but the sight of it is ominous. I quickly tossed it in the pouch. I load everything else back in and pulled the strap tight. I don't know why would has Mother and Libertas spawned me with these gifts but I will find its use eventually, I hope. 

I wrap the strings around my shoulders and sling it behind me. I've look through all the gifts that the Gods has gave me. I next step for me now is to find out more about this world. I look around the area and realise that there's a bigger problem. 

Where do I start?

All around me are the same barren brown and lifeless landscape with nothing interesting in sight. I take my first step forward into the landscape away from the table in a random direction. the ground is grainy and dry but it feels really soft around my feet. I took another step forward. This time, I feel a sharp pain jabbing into my foot. I immediately pull my leg back. I look down and see a big grey thing where my foot was. Promptly avoiding the thing, I proceeded forward wondering through the field in hopes something would come up.

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