Chapter 8 - Contemplation

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The men of courage may cut their loss

But it's the ones who remains who reap who laws.

However, not all were without the thoughts

Only bounded by morals, their second last path were naughts.

"Have you been here before?"

An amber takes over the sky once more glowing brighter and brighter with every step. The walls runs the length of the horizon, reflecting the same amber the sky shows but brighter. It's as if the city has imbued the essence of the sky into itself and filtered out all its beauty out into this powerful radiance that aurics this luminescence that resonates nothing but allure drawing all eyes to it.


As I stared, I feel my mind going blank. Everything feels right. The warmth as the light hits my body with the soft breeze cooling it down forming gentle prickles sending shivers throughout. I could feel it. This is the start.


How big is this world? How many more beauties can I see from this world? I never thought something this captivating could capture me this much. I don't think I want to ever take my eyes off. I feel so cheery.

Until my shoulder shakes that jogs my focus.

"I'm guessing you haven't been here before." Natai sighed. "Come on, let's keep up with us."

Natai took my hand and pulls me to pace. 

"It's so pretty." I exclaimed as I'm walking alongside.

"It is." Natai replied. "This is Cancance, a city of neutrality. Mother told me that this is the least chaotic place in the world."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well you see, this is one of many city where followers of all Divines can live together under the rule of many major religion representatives who seeks such peace."

I still don't get it. But I didn't want to interrupt.

"I haven't ask have I not, why are you coming to such a place?" Natai asks.

"I'm here to spread the words of Libertas." I replied "Father tasked me to do so before I came to this world. I wanted to find places with lots of people to start my venture."

"But why Cancance?"

"I didn't know where everything is. That is until some kind soul gave me this map and now this place is where I'll start."

The walls are closing in, the land becomes brighter. Suns peering over the edge of the world. As the light came, I feel a sense of rejuvenation as my body becomes fuller and my breath heavier. The smell of the warmth eases my mind.

"What about you? What are you coming here for?" I asked.

"My elders are bringing me to do a ritual to worship Nai." Natai looks up at the fading Nai in the sky. "When the next void comes, She will be full and her powers would be at the most potent that just her energy will light the land as if it was day."

Natai turns to me. "With this, the ritual the following void would be to seek aid for the troubles in Nonyan. I'm sure you've heard about it..."

"I haven't actually, what happened in this Nonyan place?" I replied.

Natai remain silent for a while. "It is a long story. Even so, I don't think I'm the right person to speak of this, but Nonyan has changed a lot over the time."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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