Chapter 1 - Creation

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A shock leaped through my body as I awoken with a sharp inhale. My eyelids jerked open as I held my breath. A blank canvas of pure white laid before eyes as it jab needles into my retinas. Though there's nothing I could lay my focus on, I could feel my vision blurring and the light bending everywhere but to my eyes. As I pause in that moment to recollect my being, a nauseating fuzz echoes through my head. At first, It took all the energy I had within me to muster even a breath of air. But I could slowly feel the rust shaken off me with every breath. The ringing in my head quietens which gave me much control over my thoughts. After a good long stare up at the whiteness, I turned my head around to scan my surroundings and search for anything of interest rather than the nothingness that I could see. It turned out hopeless however because there is nothing around me. There's no objects, walls, ceiling, or even flooring. I was what looked like an infinite horizon of nothingness.

As I looked around the surrounding even more, thoughts begin to pour through my mind. Where am I? What is this place? I feel a lost soul waiting and hoping for the answers to appear itself. But nothingness came through to hear my calls. But I was quickly reminded of one more thing that could give me some answers. I jerked forward to look at my body, hoping that I at least have some telling of who I am. My vision still remains blur but all I could see was yet again nothingness, a sharp pain ran up my neck from my sudden upright position which rendered me laying down again. I might be here for a long time for my body to regain its strength, I tried to feel other parts of my body that I could move. The heavy breathing confirms that I have a center. But I dare not move my neck again for another episode of pain to course through me. Could I just not be able to move at all, all except for my back and neck?

My mind runs wild as I ran through all the information I had, which was a mistake as I think up more and more fearful questions. What am I? Why am I 'awake'? Why am 'I'?

In the midst of this chaos, a deep growl came from everywhere. I lay sharply, staring up at the blankness afraid of what just happened. The voice sounded like a large gasp, or it could just be me not understanding it and making it out to be a blare. "Fear not, my child" The voice spoke. This time, I could understand it perfectly. "You are yet to be created". Who is this that is speaking? Is he referring to me or am I just caught in the middle? I was hoping it was me. I am the one who needs the attention now. I need my questions answered right now.

"Just close your eyes" The voice instructed calmly.

Is it talking to me? My breath becomes deeper and heavier. I didn't know what to think except for what have I got to lose?. I slowly close my eyes, awaiting something to happen. I lay there silently for the what seemed like eternity. Then, a sound rang around my head. I can't describe how it sounds, but it's like an aura that resonates through my mind. Then, I feel a touch covering my eyes, followed by a warmth and the sound becoming louder. I wanted to let out everything I had to express my pain. Or lack there of. It was more like a shock of the events that transpired. It went on for moments. And it stopped as soon as it started. I opened my eyes and a shock runs through me. Colours of all variation exploded in all corners of my vision. The lights pierces through my mind as I try to make out what happened and what exactly am I seeing. I blink numerous times hoping something might change. But the colours slowly fades away and left a canvas of white with fades of colours streaking from above. A figure peered over me. However, it was unusual. Unusual in a way that the figure shined as bright, if not brighter, than the surrounding.

their eyes stares down into mine with hope written all over. I stared back stunned at its striking beauty. After trading a few blinks, it gave me a soft smile. My mind is a blank, I didn't know what to do except to wait until something else happens. Is this the one who had brought me here? If so, what is my purpose here?

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