Chapter 4 - Exploration

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The lost voyage will always become the ocean.

Staying afloat its objective, going along with the motion.

Its never ending onslaught of hail is but a norm

yet the wave pushes the voyage through the storm.

I've be threading through the landscape for a while now looking down all the way, avoiding every grey stuff only stepping on the flat brown surface, while consistently peeking up the horizon to see anything of interest. But so far, all I've seen were more ground and more grey. The table was long past behind me, leaving me alone wondering through the landscape aimlessly. The ground was full of gentle ups and downs that scatters equally throughout the landscape, a soft gentle blow whistling around me. Although calming and serene, all that I'm looking for is something to peak my interest. Something to move, a strange sound, a less pungent smell than the one I currently have, but it seems none of those has came across me. Or maybe it has and that I haven't notice it. Or even perhaps my expectations is too high and I missed something. But after all the distance, I can't help but feel bored with nothing of interest for such a long time.

I picked up a small grey thing from the ground and looked at it closely. It fits perfectly in my hand and heavy for its size. It has a very rough texture and is covered in small grains the coats it and stuck on my fingers. I rub my fingers against it and wiped off the small grains on it. But now my fingers are covered in the grains. It felt bizarre having it on my hands. I get a constant feeling of discomfort as if it was getting fused into my skin. I quickly flick my fingers and wiped it off my fingers. I then take a whiff of it and a strong sharp pain pierces through the back of my nose. I quickly pull it away from me, wrinkling my nose and souring my face. Although I pulled from the experience, I felt really woken by it. What is this strong scent that emanates from this strange object? I eagerly went for another whiff with an even deeper exhale to get as much as I can. In that instant, my throat suddenly jump out of my mouth and left a sharp pain in my stomach. Something tells me I shouldn't be sniffing it. So I put it in my mouth. 

My tongue was immediately sent to a shrivelled mess as it's coated with bitterness and sour while simultaneously render all feelings from my tongue useless. All that is left is the post trauma of me scratching the taste off my tongue and crunching down on particles here and there. I don't know if I learnt much from that experience, but one thing I know is that the ground doesn't taste or smell good. Which is a start. But now I'm left with giddiness and an upset stomach with another horizon of barrenness left to travel to hope for not another sight of plains.

With another session of straight walking, my body is soon feeling sour as if my legs are turning to stone. My breath hastens and my skin is soon covered in a layer of unpleasant sticky liquid dripping off my face. My vision is a blurring and my spirit is diminishing. Yet, all I could think of is to find something new.

Then I notice something in the horizon. I don't know if it's my vision failing me or it's my mind playing tricks on me, but the ground on the horizon seems to be coming closer to me with every step. I squinted and slowly threaded, looking for the difference on the ground with every step and I was right, the ground was ending. I hasten my pace eagerly to figure out what is this phenomenon. The edge of the ground is coming closer and closer, I didn't care about the pain of stepping directly on top the greys. 

I've reached the end of the edge. I stopped myself before the edge of the end as I gazed at the layer of bright flat green that lays before my eyes. Dotted in many beautiful colours of; white, lavender, red, orange and others that speckled the entire landscape with large frays of patterns and combinations of colours. And what's more, an immediate whiff of sweetness fills me with an eye-opening mind-wakening jab of aroma. It was the grandest sight so far that I've seen from this world. Not that I've seen much yet, but it is definitely a break from the brown terrain that drought my mind. But once my mind settles down from the bewilderment, the scenic view is replaced by the dimensions of the landscape. As I look below the edge, the ground look as if it is on its own horizon. So I jump down the edge.

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