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Jungkook sighed once again. The doctor told him and his mother that he needed a heart transplant soon. He told them that they were currently working on finding a heart donor for him.

His mother was on the verge of tears. He didn't want her to cry. He just wanted to live. He wanted to achieve those dreams of his. But once he found out he had a weak heart, those dreams flew out his window.

His mother has done so much for him. He was so proud of her. Moments like these she would be crying her eyes out, but instead she holds it in. She wants to be strong for her only son she might lose.

She was holding onto hope. She didn't want it to grow new wings and fly away like it did the first time.

She prayed everyday for her son to get better. She wanted a miracle to happen. She wanted his son alive, breathing. She wanted him to achieve his dreams. So many things she hoped for, but the possibilities of it happening were small. And they were getting smaller through time.

_                          __________                        _

Taehyung arrived at the hospital. He already hated the sight of it. As he got out he spotted a couple. He looked at them, they were happy and cheerful. He was over here dying. Not getting a chance of experiencing love. Not getting to go to all those art museums he had plan to visit. He had to reject the scholarship he had worked so hard for.

All of his hard work didn't pay off. The brain tumor took away all his dreams. He was living but he had already given up. He was basically dead.

He headed towards the front desk. He checked in. The doctors took him to his room. After doing the daily routine they eventually left.

Taehyung layed across the bed. He sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. His mother couldn't be here with him. But when has she ever been there. He only wanted to feel loved, but there was no one to give it to him.

He had the looks for sure. But once people found out about his brain tumor they dispersed somewhere else.

He bit the inside of his cheek as he got up. The hospital was always suffocating him. It smells of death and he hated it. People every day die here.
Even if he died, he was sure he wouldn't be missed by anyone.

He got off the bed and headed out of his room. He walked around the hallways. There was nowhere interesting he could go to.

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