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Taehyung traced the drawing once again with his fingers. It was a beautiful canvas of the night in seoul.

It was beautiful. He looked at the way the painter portrayed the moon in the the viewer's eye. It was as if he was lonely.

Taehyung loved the way the painter made the stars looked. For the painting to look this perfect, it might have taken him a long time.

He walked towards the other paintings, but none seemed to catch his attention like the Seoul Night did.

Until he came upon a painting with two hands. They were holding onto each other as if they were to let go they'd be separated like perpendicular lines.

Under it it said "hold onto those you love, if not death will eventually take them away" For some weird reason he liked the quote.

After a couple of more minutes of looking at paintings, he decided to go back to the cafeteria.

When he arrived, he looked around for empty tables. Half of them were empty, but one table with one certain boy seemed to catch his attention.

He headed towards the table. There sat Jungkook reading a book. He was so engrossed in it that he didn't seem to notice Taehyung. He sat in front of Jungkook.

He was aware of Taehyung's presence once he heard a cough. Jungkook looked up from the book. Taehyung gave him a half smile. "So, what are you reading?"

"5 feet apart." Jungkook said. Taehyung however chuckled at his response.

"It's a great book for sure. It kind of teaches people a life lesson. Dont fall in love with a sick person, they'll eventually leave some way."

Jungkook tilted his head at Taehyung's statement. He soon nodded.

"So why are you in the hospital?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook sighed before responding. "I have cardiomyopathy. Basically a weak heart."

Jungkook found it hard to believe that he was opening up to some stranger. He would never do that, yet he found it easy to talk to Taehyung.

Jungkook asked him the same question soon after. "What about you?"

Taehyung chuckled before replying. "I have a brain tumor." Taehyung didn't add the part that he's dying, because he didn't want to scare away the friend he finally made.

"The universe sure knows how to take away people. It has no mercy, not even for kids." Taehyung added. Jungkook nodded in response.

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