Chapter 26 - Eighteen Times

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Sorry for the wait. Stay clean and healthy, everyone. And always remember to keep your stress levels low. I have a lot of time to revise now that universities are online and work hours have been reduced for me. Expect a chapter in the next few days.

Thanks for your patience and devotion to this story! Please do comment and vote if you enjoyed. ❤️

That very evening, as I had roamed the Boston Common park-grounds with Mr. Gallagher, the stars were a dim blanket overhead. I was enchanted, as I was the very few times I had seen him in the dim glow of moonlight, and as I looked back now on that time, nearly three weeks ago, a flutter of nerves prodded at me. I would see him for the first time in two weeks tomorrow.

I could hardly sleep. I was tired, but my eyes, as had become custom to them during the winter break, couldn't remain closed long enough for me to settle into a deep sleep. Figures were lodged behind my eyelids, worries kept gnawing at my consciousness. I turned on my side, grasping the pillow closer.

That very night, as we were walking back to his car, everything was perfect, until my phone vibrated in my coat pocket and I saw the unknown phone number, a message I quickly read and put away. I didn't tell Mr. Gallagher about it. I couldn't ruin a perfect night, likely to never be replicated again, because I received a message I knew in my heart was from Dean.

It was stupid. A completely senseless message devoid of any substance. What are you up to tonight, Ms. Uptight?

I knew it was him. He used to call me that in freshman year.

Eventually I fell asleep, but when the morning came, the three hours of rest were too little, purple bags forming under my eyes, lucid against my fair skin.

I tried my best to cover them with makeup, dressing into the first thing I saw. It was a thick cream colored sweater I wore with black jeans and warm boots. I was still shivering, the motions beginning to subside when I had my first few sips of coffee.

"You're so cold," Phoenix murmured when I sat in her car and greeted her.

"I know. I couldn't sleep well. I'm exhausted."

"You told me Dean wasn't going to be an issue last night. That you wanted to sleep at home-"

"I did, and I meant it. He wasn't a problem last night. I was just anxious, kept tossing in bed. Three hours is all I got."

"You sure don't want to stay home?"

I nodded, and she kept driving us toward the school. I was glad to be back. Relieved was more appropriate a word. If I was a little withdrawn today it was because of the pressure behind my eyes, painfully tiring me.

I had a substitute teacher sometime in the day, and I got a pass from the librarian to help her put away some returned books during that period. I was content in the quiet space, happy to put my mind into organizing the books into their correct slots. I was more than okay with tedious work. I enjoyed the comforting cadence of it.

My ears perked up when I heard his voice greet the librarian before continuing with smooth conversation. "I have new books that might be of use to you. Give them a look and see if you'd like to display any of them to the students."

"Thank you so much, Jamie. I really appreciate your help. Sometimes the shelves go so long without new additions. We rely mostly on donations and our bookworms are always happy when they see new things. I always place them aside in a shelf I label "New Reads". Well, most of the times it's Cece Cedric. She helps me a lot. Wonderful, brilliant girl. She's actually here now, helping me with some books that have been returned. I'm sure you must have her in one of your periods. She's top of her class."

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