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Val's POV

I was walking down the street towards The Avengers Tower intrigued because my mother never let me watch/read anything that had to do with The Avengers always saying they were doing more harm to the world then good. "Earths Mightiest Hero's more like Earths worst hero's" she'd say. I on the other hand always felt that my mother held a dislike for the team of heroes for a different reason. I remember one time I was writing a paper for my science project on Tony Starks arch reactor and she nearly killed me for it, saying I was "just a dumb girl looking to create things i could never understand", she'd really kill me now if she knew I was inventing suits like Iron Mans and already created an AI called R.I.V "Really Intelligent Voice".

I was in awe of the tower and the people that live within.

I looked at my watch and realized that I was almost late for my shift at the diner.

"Shit, I can't be late or Eddie will have my ass." Eddie is the one who owns the diner apparently, it's been in his family for "generations" but I think he only says that to get money out of his customers. "Momma's Kitchen" is a small retro diner that was known for its "All American Cheeseburgers" which has become one of my favorite foods, it doesn't help that I get free burgers I get with my job.

As I was pushing my way through the pedestrians of New York I couldn't help but take one last look at the tower. "I wonder if my dad has ever been in that tower"


I was now in my job taking an order for an asshole.

"Hello welcome to Momma's Kitchen, my name is Valentina but you can call me V, can I start you off with a drink?"

"Sure sweet cheeks does that also come with a number?" the man wearing a Stark Industries shirt asked.

"Sir, I'm sorry but that doesn't appear to be on the menu but I can get you a drink."

"Yeah whatever ill have a water"

"I'll be right back with that sir." I said sickly-sweet as always.

I went back to the kitchen to get the asshole his water and bumped into one of the other waitresses. "Hey Yoshi, just want to let you know the guy at table 10 is a real asshole"

"Girl, you in New York now, the nicer you are the bigger the tip and the more they buy, everybody here is an asshole." She replies with an eye roll

"How'd you become so wise" I sarcastically snarky in return

"It comes in the description of being born in New York"

I walk back out with the water and place it on the table and bring out my note pad "What would you like to eat, sir?"

"All American Cheeseburger with onion rings"

"Pickles, Tomato, Onion, Lettuce, Ketchup, and Mayo okay?"

"Sure" he relied in a bored tone with an eye roll

"OK sir one last question, how do you want your meat cooked?"


"That will be right up for you sir."

I walk back to the kitchen and give the chef the order. Then head out to clear some tables and pick up my tips which are few and far between here. When I feel someone slap my ass and grab me, I turn around and see it is the man I was serving, then someone comes up and grabs the man and punches him in the face.

"Who taught you to treat woman like that? You're a pig and it sickens me to see you wear my name on your clothes."

I stand there in shock, Tony Stark just punched a man in the face for me. I rush up to the men and put myself between them. "sir's...... if you don't stop now you'll get me in trouble, now sir if you could leave and let Mr. Stark go back to enjoying his food I'd appreciate it."

"Why are being nice to this dick he just sexually assaulted you." Mr. Stark replies angrily

"sir calm down, he's leaving" I look to the direction of where the man was to find he had already left.

"he'll also be out of a job next time I see him" I see he's still fuming

"Sir, really its fine, its nothing I can't handle, your food will be on the house" "have you ordered or would you like to?"

"Sure, I'll take you to my table"

"Okay, Mr. Stark my name in Valentina but you can call me V, welcome to Momma's Kitchen. What can I get My Knight in a band tee and jeans today?" I ask with a smile.

"V, I'd like a Strawberry Milkshake extra whipped cream and a Double All American Cheeseburger, medium no mayo and some curly fries." He looks up from his menu and looks at my name tag and see's Valentina Stark "Stark huh guess I could be your old man."

"Well dad it was nice meeting you, I'll put your order in with the chef." I say jokingly. I walk away from Mr. Starks table and go into the back to find Yoshi gawking over Tony. "Did you just call the Tony Stark your dad?"

"It was just a joke chill, there's no way he could be my father" I roll my eyes at her nonsense

"Well maybe it was fate that you guys met, don't ever say never."

"I didn't say never, im just speaking the truth ." but in the back of my mind i felt like he was going to be an important part of my life.

My name is Valentina Roe Stark Miller and i will not comply 

*discontinued*( For Now) Reflecting Hellfire || Avengers Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя