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A/N: Chapter III and IV are on the same day just different POV's. This chapter is gonna have something that only I know about not even my fellow other writers know about this, so enjoy. This chapter is also going to be explaining Val's character more because you know her but you don't KNOW her.

Anonymous POV 

"Sir, she's moved location."

"Where, I need her location at all times for this to work?" He asks severely. He stands tall in the middle of a room filled with hundreds of agents either on computers or waiting for orders.

"She's moved to the America's sir, New York to be exact," he says confused. 

"I told Mandy to keep her in one place," he says in a vicious tone. "Call in Ms. Miller we have business to discuss." He ordered with no room for argument. 

"It appears she's already on her way." 

"Well, then we'll just have to let her in." Mandy Miller more known as Valentina Stark's mother walked into the room gulping as she saw her father in the middle of the room.

"Daddy, hey." she says nervously avoiding eye contact with the man who brought her into the world.

"Dearest Mandy, why don't you sit down?" he says gesturing to the chair by where he's standing. Mandy does as she's told and sits down but this doesn't calm her nervous appearance. 

"Mandy, you know I have been so kind to you, I let you become a model, I let you marry one of the richest men in the world, and all you had to do was bear a child for me and bring her to me when she was of age." He sighs disappointed. "You have let your daughter leave and move across seas closer to her father and those damn Avengers. Why couldn't you have been like your sister sweet, obedient, and not such a fuck up?"  He gets more and more frustrated as he continues to talk and Mandy starts to fidget in the chair looking at the ground. "You have failed me, you have failed us." he pulls out a gun and shoots his daughter straight in the head. 

"Hail Hydra." 


Val's POV

'I see my younger self walk through the door to my home after a day of school. I'm no older than 10, I had just gotten my report card and I have to show it to my mother, for any normal child this wouldn't seem bad but I got one B on the report card. I walk further into the house to see my mother is home and drunk, wine bottles all over the sitting room. "Mommy, I have my report card." 

"Honey, can I see it," she asks slurring her word in a sickly sweet tone. I hand her my report card hesitantly, she snatches it out of my hand. "Let's see A, A, A, B, A. What have I told you about getting B's in school."

"That they lead to failure." 

"Exactly, and did I raise a failure? are you a Failure?" She chastised.

"No momma, it was just one B, I'll never get it again." 

"Little bun, I cant not punish you, then you won't learn," she says disappointed, she leads me down to the basement where I go if I've been bad. She cuffs me and hangs the cuffs on a hook that's attached to the wall. I'm facing the wall so I cant see her but I know what's to come. "I want you to thank me after every hit," she says as she picks up the whip. 


1 "thank you, momma"


"thank you, momma"

I scream in agony but I know no one will come. 


3 "thank you, momma" 

This continues until 10 strokes are done. My voice is hoarse from my screams of agony, I have tears running down my face and no doubt I have blood on my back. I sob apologies to my mother, promises of behaving, of being a good daughter. "Momma I'm sorry for being a failure, I'm sorry for not trying, ill be good, it won't ever happen again" 

"Little bun, you know this hurts me more than it hurts you, but how will you learn," she says sweetly, the smell of wine still on her breath. She unhooks me and uncuffs me but leaves me in the dark cold basement to cry to myself to sleep. I am alone with only the thoughts of my failure and the disappointment and self-hatred I have because I have failed my momma.'

I am brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my own sobs, I didn't realize that I was crying in front of the mirror looking at the scars on my back that will never fade and neither will my memories. I was just a young girl when my punishments started, over time they got worse and worse. She stopped acting so sweet and just became aggressive, never loving. I always thought that one day that punishment would be my last, but it never stopped. I learned that pain is something that everyone has to deal with in life. I stopped crying and started listening. I got all A's, I was the perfect quiet child. Well mannered, never asking questions. I was beaten into submission by the one person who was to never lay a hand on me. 

She was my monster under the bed except she lived out in the open for everyone to see. She was a devil in angels clothing.   

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